
This is the process to set your Macintosh Address Book and Mail.app programs to automatically look up people's email addresses via our LDAP server

To Search CCT's Directory

Because CCT's LDAP Directory is remote from your machine, all of it's records will not appear on your machine. Instead, begin typing the name of the person which you wish to find and their record will appear.

This will also work as you type the TO: feild in Mail.app

  1. Open up Address Book
  2. Choose the 'Address Book' item from the toolbar and then click 'Preferances'....alternatively you could type CMD+, (comma)

  3. Chose 'LDAP'

  4. Type in the following information
            Server: ldap.cct.lsu.edu
            Search Base: ou=People,dc=cct,dc=lsu,dc=edu
            Port: 389
  5. Check the 'Use SSL' checkbox.
  6. Change 'Port' back to '389' (if it changed).
  7. Chose 'Simple' from the Auth Type pull down menu. The Username and Password textboxes should become ungrayed.
  8. For the Username text-box, type in
    and then type in your cct password into the password textbox

  9. Hit OK, and then check the 'Auto Update LDAP Cards' checkbox on the main LDAP screen

  10. After closing out the Preferance Pane, you should now have the CCT LDAP directory listed under 'Directories'.