
photoLSU houses a world-renowned 27-channel surround sound system, called the Immersive Computer-controlled Audio Sound Theater, or ICAST. Researchers within Computer Music group use ICAST to perform electroacoustic music, and have installed the system at LSU, at the Manship Workshop Theatre in downtown Baton Rouge, and at Tulane University in New Orleans, where it was the afternoon venue for the 2006 International Computer Music Conference. Although more common in Europe, ICAST is one of only a handful of large loudspeaker arrays in the United States, making it truly a unique asset to the university and CCT.


photoSince it's inception in 2005, the ICAST system has been used to present the Cinema for the Ears concert series, held at the Manship Theatre in downtown Baton Rouge, and on the campus of LSU. The concert series has featured guest composers Elainie Lillios, Jeffrey Stolet, Tae Hong Park, as well as electroacoustic music from around the globe. These cabaret style concerts feature conversations with the composers and performers about their work, and a casual relaxed atmosphere.

The 2008-09 Cinema for the Ears season will feature concerts in October 2008 (w/ Roger Dannenberg), February 2009 (as part of the LSU Festival of Contemporary Music) and March 2009 (featuring the ensemble Guys W/ Big Cars).

Previous Concerts:

The 2007-08 concert season saw two Cinema for the Ears concerts using ICAST. On October 29, 2007, we performed music by David Psenicka, Stephen David Beck, Tae Hong Park, Eli Shoot, and Jonty Harrison.  The concert was held in the LSU School of Music Recital Hall.

On March 26, 2008, we presented a concert at the Manship Studio Theatre in the Shaw Center for the Arts, in downtown Baton Rouge.  On the program was music by Simon Emmerson, John Young, Ron Herrema, Pierre Couprie, Stephen David Beck, Rick Nance, Simon Atkinson and Leigh Landy.