Developing Regional Grid Technology Support for Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) Programs
Grid technologies have undergone rapid change in recent years, making it possible for many applications communities to realize their benefits. Recent developments have been aimed at standardizing tools and interfaces for grid application developers and users, and providing higher levels of abstractions for grid services, making it much easier to create robust grid applications. These emerging standards and stabilized interfaces make it possible for grid-enabled applications to work in many different environments, and to survive future evolution in grid technologies with little change to the applications themselves.
The work in the TATRC proposal will identify a set of funded projects/programs within the Southern Universities Research Association (www.sura.org) region that could be enhanced by access to grid-enabled resources (computational, data, storage, etc.) available through a common Web-based grid portal. The evolving SURAgrid represents such a regional grid resource that could both enhance the capabilities of TATRC researchers and simultaneously benefit from the development effort that would be required to support a focused research community.
A shared cyberinfrastructure could significantly enhance existing and future TATRC research collaborations potentially reducing the cost or improving the speed of advancements in telemedicine and ultimately the availability of enhanced health care services to the armed forces.
CCT Project leaders
o Dr. Edward Seidel (CCT/Physics)
o Dr. Hartmut Kaiser (CCT/Computer Science)
The Campus Connection
SURA, and LSU/CCT as a subcotractor to SURA in consultation with TATRC, will identify currently funded TATRC projects that could take advantage of the grid services currently being developed in the SURA region and will develop a small set of demonstrations, based on currently funded TATRC projects, targeted to illustrate the value of grid technologies.
The total amount of funding is ~$150000 (whole project). CCT subcontracts a funding amount of ~$50000.
SURA, www.sura.org
Georgia Institute of Technology, www.gatech.edu
Georgia State University, Information Systems & Technology,
Advanced Campus Services, http://www.gsu.edu/ist/23353.html