
The Center for Computation & Technology, or CCT, is an interdisciplinary research center located on the campus of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. CCT advances LSU’s Flagship Agenda and promotes economic development for the state by using computational applications to aid research and develop solutions that benefit academia and industry.

CCT is an innovative research environment, advancing computational sciences, technologies and the disciplines they touch. Researchers at CCT use the advanced cyberinfrastructure –high-speed networks, high-performance computing, advanced data storage and analysis and hardware and software development – available on campus to enable research in many different fields. By uniting researchers from diverse disciplines, ideas and expertise are disseminated across LSU departments to foster knowledge and invention.

Mission Statement

The LSU Center for Computation & Technology is an innovative and interdisciplinary research environment for advancing computational sciences, technologies, and the disciplines they touch. Our efforts branch out from the center to serve Louisiana through international collaboration, promoting the progress in leading edge and revolutionary technologies in academia and industry...View Expanded Mission Statement