Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Shallow Water Equations
Speaker: Yulong Xing, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Digital Media Center - Room: 1034
Sep 19, 2014

Highly Collaborative Cyberinfrastructure for Grand Challenge Communities
Speaker: Irene Qualters, National Science Foundation
Digital Media Center - Room: Theatre
Jul 30, 2014

Computing in Science Education. Integrating a Computational Perspective in the Basic Science Education
Speaker: Morten Hjorth-Jensen, Michigan State University, University of Oslo
Digital Media Center - Room: Theatre
Apr 04, 2014

Interactive Installations as Performance
Speaker: Hye Yeon Nam, Georgia Institute of Technology
Digital Media Center - Room: Theatre
Nov 04, 2013

Applications in Signal Processing and Music Informatics
Speaker: Alexander Lerch, Assistant Professor
Digital Media Center - Room: Theatre
Oct 25, 2013

Integrated Field Analysis & Modeling of the Coastal Dynamics of Sea Level Rise in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Speaker: Scott C. Hagen, University of Central Florida
Digital Media Center - Room: Theatre
Oct 24, 2013

Technology Centered Design? Design Centered Technology?
Speaker: Justin Manor, Sosolimited
Digital Media Center - Room: Theatre
Oct 16, 2013

Computational Earth Materials for Environmental and Energy Applications
Speaker: Jianwei Wang, LSU
Digital Media Center - Room: Theatre
Sep 20, 2013

Hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Ida (2009): A Tale of Two Gulf Coast Landfalling Hurricanes
Speaker: Sytske K. Kimball, University of South Alabama
Digital Media Center - Room: 1034
Sep 09, 2013

Paradigm for Multiscale Modeling of Fluid-sediment Boundary Layer Flows
Speaker: Joseph Calantoni, Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center
Digital Media Center - Room: Theatre
Sep 05, 2013

From research to technology, a career perspective on challenges and opportunities
Speaker: Dr. Frank Lee, Architect & Technical Advisor for Life Science
Frey Computing Services Center - Room: 307
Jul 16, 2013

Flow Penetration into Porous Hydraulic Structures: A New Computational Approach for an Old Multi-scale Problem
Speaker: Xiaofeng Liu, University of Texas at San Antonio
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jun 24, 2013

Interactive Sonic Sculpting and Machine Improvisation
Speaker: Douglas Van Nort, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 24, 2013

Technology Enables: Composing as a Listener
Speaker: Paul Rudy, University of Missouri
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 15, 2013

Order-Disorder Phase Transformation in Ni-Cr Alloys
Speaker: Julie Tucker, Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 12, 2013

Design of Embedded Media
Speaker: Edgar Berdahl, Stanford University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 12, 2013

First-principles Ultrafast Chemical Dynamics
Speaker: Kenneth Lopata, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 22, 2013

Chemistry at Interfaces: From the Air-Water to the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface
Speaker: Revati Kumar, University of Chicago
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 21, 2013

The Present and Future of Multichannel Music
Speaker: Eric Lyon, Queen's University - Belfast
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 12, 2013

Glitch TOO (Towards Object Orientation)
Speaker: Kenneth Perry, Morehouse College
Frey - Room: 307
Mar 12, 2013

Success & Failure Baking Apps with Apple's iOS
Speaker: Timothy Place, Cycling 74
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 21, 2013

Jamoma: A Diverse Ecosystem in Which Software Grows Organically
Speaker: Timothy Place, Cycling 74
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 20, 2013

Teaching Computational Thinking Through MOBILIZE and the New Data Explosion
Speaker: Odette Board, Los Angeles Unified School District
Johnston Hall - Room: 218
Feb 15, 2013

Cyberinfrastructure Activities at NSF
Speaker: Daniel S. Katz, National Science Foundation
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Oct 30, 2012

An Efficient Spectral Element Model for Submerged Bendable Cylinders Relevant to Wave Attenuation
Speaker: Don Liu, Louisiana Tech University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jun 28, 2012

High Performance Scalable Computations of Hurricane Driven Wind Waves, Storm Surge, and Flow in Integrated Ocean Basin to Shelf to Inland Floodplain Systems
Speaker: Joannes J. Westerink, University of Notre Dame
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 31, 2012

Parallel Adaptive Mesh Studies of Black Hole Spin-Spin Interactions
Speaker: Scott Hawley, Belmont University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 17, 2012

Towards Low-latency Real-time Detection of Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescences in the Era of Advanced Detectors
Speaker: Linqing Wen, University of Western Australia
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 29, 2012

PHG: A Parallel Adaptive Finite Element Toolbox and its Applications
Speaker: Tao Cui, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 23, 2012

IBM's HPC Strategy
Speaker: Dave Jursik, IBM HPC Business
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 10, 2012

Accelerating Gravitational Wave Data Processing on GPU
Speaker: Zhihui Du, Tsinghua University, China
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Dec 05, 2011

Accelerating Gravitational Wave Data Processing on GPU
Speaker: Zhihui Du, Tsinghua University, China
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Dec 05, 2011

High Order Methods and Engineering Applications
Speaker: Don Liu, Louisiana Tech University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 22, 2011

High Order Methods and Engineering Applications
Speaker: Don Liu, Louisiana Tech University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 22, 2011

Falloff of the Weyl Scalars in Numerical Relativity Binary Black Hole Spacetimes
Speaker: Ian Hinder, Albert Einstein Institute, Germany
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 03, 2011

Evolution of Axisymmetric Galaxy Cores Embedding Black Holes - A GPU Application
Speaker: Jose Fiestas Iquira, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 03, 2011

HPX: C++ Metaprogramming Meets Future High Performance Computing
Speaker: Thomas Heller, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Johnston Hall - Room: 218
Oct 19, 2011

Cyberinfrastructure for Numerical Relativity (and Beyond)
Speaker: Gabrielle Allen, National Science Foundation, LSU
Coates Hall - Room: 256
Oct 03, 2011

TVD Solver in Coastal Models
Speaker: Fengyan Shi, University of Delaware
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 12, 2011

A Decade in the SWAMP: My Research with Studies of Work Atmospheres and Mass Production
Speaker: Douglas Easterly, Victoria University of Wellington
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jun 29, 2011

Nanostructure by High-Energy XRD and Atomic Pair Distribution Functions
Speaker: Valeri Petkov, Central Michigan University
Johnston Hall - Room: 218
Jun 01, 2011

Transmodal Journeys: Digital Adventures in the Physical World
Speaker: Frederick "Derick" Ostrenko, LSU
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jun 01, 2011

Using Multi-Scale and Multi-Resolution Model With Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to Simulate Real-Time Actual Cancer Progression
Speaker: Le Zhang, Michigan Tech University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 24, 2011

Alternative Projections: Abstraction, Experimentation and the Body
Speaker: Jeremy Speed Schwartz, Museum Of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 12, 2011

What do the Rich Magnetic Structures of Iron-Based Superconductors Teach Us About Their Electronic Structure?
Speaker: Wei Ku, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 10, 2011

Ligand Homology Modeling as a new computational platform to support modern drug discovery
Speaker: Michal Brylinski, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 10, 2011

An Exploration of Visual Computing
Speaker: Tim McGraw, West Virginia University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 29, 2011

Computational Drug Discovery Using Translational Bioinformatics Tools
Speaker: Jake Chen, Purdue University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 26, 2011

Gaze-contingent Image Analysis
Speaker: Umesh Rajashekar, New York University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 26, 2011

Good Choices for Great Careers in the Mathematical Sciences
Speaker: James (Mac) Hyman, Tulane University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 25, 2011

Candidate for the AVATAR computer graphic tenure track faculty position
Speaker: Robert Kooima, LSU Center for Computation & Technology
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 13, 2011

An Overview of GRI-SSC Research
Speaker: Pat Fitzpatrick, Mississippi State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 01, 2011

Fast Algorithms for High Frequency Waves and Applications in Kinetic Inverse Problems
Speaker: Jianliang Qian, Michigan State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 29, 2011

Fluid Flow Simulations of Diverse Petroleum Engineering Processes at the Rock Pores-, System Components- and Reservoir Field- Scales
Speaker: Mayank Tyagi, Louisiana State University
Taylor Hall - Room: 2427
Mar 18, 2011

Adaptive Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Soft Matter
Speaker: Steven O. Nielson, University of Texas at Dallas
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 15, 2011

The Role of High-Performance Computing in Engineering, Science, and the Arts
Speaker: Joel Tohline, Louisiana State University
Taylor Hall - Room: 2427
Mar 11, 2011

Reduced Models You Can Believe In
Speaker: Jan S. Hesthaven, Brown University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 11, 2011

Computer Simulations of Proteins
Speaker: Ulrich H. E. Hansmann, Michigan Technological University
Choppin Hall - Room: 210
Mar 03, 2011

Constant pH Molecular Dynamics: Gaining Atomic-level Insights into Protonation-related Phenomena
Speaker: Jana Shen, University of Oklahoma
Choppin Hall - Room: 210
Feb 25, 2011

Electrostatic Mechanisms in Biology and Chemistry
Speaker: Jana Shen, University of Oklahoma
Johnston - Room: 338
Feb 24, 2011

Electrostatic Mechanisms in Biology and Chemistry
Speaker: Jana Shen, University of Oklahoma
Johnston - Room: 338
Feb 24, 2011

"Probing and Optimization of Functional Small and Bio-Molecules by All-Atom Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations"
Speaker: Chun Wu, University of California, Santa Barbara
Choppin Hall - Room: 210
Feb 23, 2011

Composite and Hidden Order in F-Electron Materials and the Lessons We Are Learning
Speaker: Piers Coleman, Rutgers University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 22, 2011

Dye Binding, Folding and Aggregation of Alzheimer's and Type 2 Diabetes Amyloid Forming Peptides Probed by All-Atom Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations
Speaker: Chun Wu, University of California, Santa Barbara
Choppin Hall - Room: 210
Feb 22, 2011

An Opening in the Clouds: Open-source Cloud Computing at UCSB
Speaker: Chandra Krintz, University of California, Santa Barbara
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 21, 2011

How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: High-Productivity and High-Performance with Multicores
Speaker: Sven-Bodo Scholz, University of Hertfordshire, UK
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 26, 2011

High Performance Computing on GPU and Multi-GPU on Example of CFD Algorithms
Speaker: Marek Blazewicz, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Dec 10, 2010

The Intrinsic Midgap Electronic States in Semiconductor Glasses
Speaker: Vassiliy Lubchenko, University of Houston
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Dec 09, 2010

Experiences Teaching Computational Science Remotely
Speaker: Karen Tomko, Ohio Supercomputing Center
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 19, 2010

An Optimizing Source-to-Source Translator for Parallel Programs
Speaker: Hans Moritsch, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 19, 2010

Recent Progress in Development and Application of Non-Additive Interaction Models for Molecular Simulations of Biophysical and Physicochemical Systems
Speaker: Sandeep Patel, University of Delaware
Johnston Hall - Room: 218
Nov 18, 2010

Many Big Jobs: Computing in the eXtreme Digital Era
Speaker: Tom Bishop, Center for Computational Science, Tulane University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 09, 2010

Iron Oxide Molecular Clusters as Building Blocks of Non-volatile Memory
Speaker: Vladimir Kolesnichenko, Xavier University
Johnston Hall - Room: 218
Nov 04, 2010

SWAMP- Studies of Work Atmospheres and Mass-production
Speaker: Matthew Kenyon, Pennsylvania State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 04, 2010

Developing High-Temperature Alloys for Fossil Energy Applications
Speaker: Michael Gao, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Oct 21, 2010

Haptic Data Compression and Communication
Speaker: Julius Kammerl, Munich University of Technology, Germany
Johnston Hall - Room: 218
Oct 21, 2010

Haptic Data Compression and Communication
Speaker: Julius Kammerl, Munich University of Technology, Germany
Johnston Hall - Room: 218
Oct 21, 2010

In the Search of 2D Boussinesq Solutions: A Numerical Approach
Speaker: Christo I. Christov, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Oct 07, 2010

A Mathematical Solution to the Theoretical Underestimation of Energy and Band Gaps and Applications to the Search of Novel Materials
Speaker: Diola Bagayoko, Southern University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 30, 2010

Recent Research Results in Image and Video Processing
Speaker: Sanjit K. Mitra, University of South California, Los Angelos
Coates Hall - Room: 256
Sep 17, 2010

Robust Data Mining and Fusion CyberTools for Knowledge Discovery
Speaker: Sumeet Dua, Louisiana Tech University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 16, 2010

Atomistic Simulation Studies of Interfacial Phenomena in Biomolecular Systems
Speaker: Dorel Moldovan, Louisiana State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 09, 2010

Topology-based Smoothing of 2D Scalar Fields with C1-Continuity
Speaker: Tino Weinkauf, Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jul 01, 2010

A Multi-Stage Ab-initio Wavepacket Dynamics Formalism for Electronic Structure and Dynamics in Open Systems
Speaker: Alexander Pacheco, Indiana University
Frey Computing Services Building - Room: 307
Jun 10, 2010

Welcome to Collaborative Think-Tanks: Fraternizing with an Enemy Never Looked so Good
Speaker: Ivica Ico Bukvic, Virginia Tech
Fred C. Frey Computing Services Center - Room: 307
Apr 27, 2010

Welcome to Collaborative Think-Tanks: Fraternizing with an Enemy Never Looked so Good
Speaker: Ivica Ico Bukvic, Virginia Tech
Fred C. Frey Computing Services Center - Room: 307
Apr 27, 2010

Exploitation of MIR in Music Technology
Speaker: Tae Hong Park, Tulane University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 16, 2010

A Preconditioned Scheme for Nonsymmetric Saddle-point Problems
Speaker: Abdelkader Baggag, Louisiana Tech University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 16, 2010

Candidate Lecture for AVATAR Music Faculty Position
Speaker: Jesse Allison, Ball State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 30, 2010

Candidate Lecture for AVATAR Music Faculty Position
Speaker: Jesse Allison, Ball State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 30, 2010

Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods and Applications to Boltzmann-Poisson Models in Semiconductor Device Simulation
Speaker: Yingda Cheng, University of Texas at Austin
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 09, 2010

Inexact Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints Algorithms
Speaker: Xuemin Tu, University of California, Berkeley
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 02, 2010

Shape Optimization of Peristaltic Pumping
Speaker: Shawn W. Walker, New York University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 21, 2010

Dual-Mixed Finite Element Methods for Fluids
Speaker: Jason Howell, Carnegie Mellon University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 19, 2010

Key Moments in the History of Numerical Analysis
Speaker: Michele Benzi, Emory University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Aug 28, 2009

High Order Methods and Boussinesq Equations
Speaker: Don Liu, Louisiana Tech University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jun 30, 2009

The Development of Design Science Research - Ongoing Issues
Speaker: John Venable
Johnston - Room: 338
Apr 29, 2009

At the Intersection of Music and Computer Science (and Mobile): ChucK, Laptop Orchestras, and iPhone Ocarinas
Speaker: Ge Wang, Stanford University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 13, 2009

Parallel Processors as Functional Compute Engines
Speaker: James Lupo, Regis University
Frey - Room: 307
Jan 29, 2009

Using the Vish Infrastructure for Computing Streamlines Data Containing Several Hundred Curvilinear Blocks
Speaker: Marcel Ritter, University of Innsbruck
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Dec 16, 2008

Scientific and Industrial Supercomputing
Speaker: Stanley C. Ahalt, Ohio Supercomputer Center
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Dec 04, 2008

Building Symbiotic Relationships Between Formal Verification and High Performance Computing
Speaker: Robert M. Kirby, University of Utah
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Dec 02, 2008

SIGGRAPH Student Volunteer Recruiting Opportunity
Speaker: Nicolas Gonzalez, SIGGRAPH 2009 Student Volunteers Chair
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 24, 2008

SIGGRAPH Student Volunteer Recruiting Opportunity
Speaker: Nicolas Gonzalez, SIGGRAPH 2009 Student Volunteers Chair
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 24, 2008

A Workflow-enabled Grid-Portal for Bioinformatics
Speaker: Sandra Gesing, University of Tuebingen
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 26, 2008

Variational Transition State Theory: Parallel Direct Dynamics for Barrierless Association Reactions
Speaker: Dr. Jingjing Zheng, University of Minnesota
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 23, 2008

Variational Transition State Theory: Parallel Direct Dynamics for Barrierless Association Reactions
Speaker: Dr. Jingjing Zheng, University of Minnesota
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 23, 2008

Atomistic Simulation of Nanoporous Layered Double Hydroxide Materials and Transport and Adsorption of Gas Mixture and Fluids in Them
Speaker: Nayong Kim, University of Southern California
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Aug 01, 2008

Parallel Computing Pressure Driven Phenomena
Speaker: Sanjay Kodiyalam, Louisiana State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jul 30, 2008

A Nodal DG-FEM Method for Solving High Order Boussinesq-type Equations
Speaker: Allan Engsig-Karup, Technical University of Denmark
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jun 23, 2008

Superconvergent Finite Element Solutions to Einstein's Constraint Equations on Multi-block Triangulations
Speaker: Oleg Korobkin, Louisiana State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jun 17, 2008

Research Activities in KISTI with Focus on the Numerical Relativity Group
Speaker: Dae-Il Choi, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 23, 2008

GENI - The Global Environment for Networking Innovations Project
Speaker: Chip Elliott, BBN Technologies and GENI PI/PD/Chief Engineer
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 20, 2008

Planetary-Scale Terrain Composition
Speaker: Robert Kooima, University of Illinois at Chicago
Fred Frey - Room: 320
May 16, 2008

Estimating PM2.5 Exposure with Statistical Models Based on Satellite Remote Sensing, Meteorology, and Land Use Information
Speaker: Yang Liu, Harvard University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 14, 2008

Enabling gravitational-wave astronomy on the LIGO Data Grid
Speaker: Patrick Brady, Professor, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 05, 2008

Particles moving around black holes: Opportunities in self-force problems
Speaker: Ian Vega, University of Florida
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 02, 2008

A Posteriori Error Estimates for Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Problems
Speaker: Thirupathi Gudi, Louisiana State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 01, 2008

Error Analysis of the Finite Element Method for the Stochastic Heat Equation with Additive Noise
Speaker: Mihaly Kovacs, University of Otago, New Zealand
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 29, 2008

Gravitational waves from small black holes orbiting big ones
Speaker: Steven Detweiler, University of Florida
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 28, 2008

On the Role of Defects and Single Molecules Embedded in Low Dimensional Systems: a Computational Nanoscience Study
Speaker: Vincent Meunier, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nicholson Hall - Room: 435
Apr 21, 2008

Model-based Simulation of the Piercing Process in Piezo-driven Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
Speaker: Yong Gan, University of Missouri-Columbia
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 21, 2008

Rats! How to Like Real Rats in the Kitchen - The Making of Ratatouille
Speaker: Stuart Sumida, Ph.D., California State University
Shaw Center for the Arts - Room: Manship Theatre
Apr 18, 2008

Full Dome 101: How to create content for a hemispheric screen
Speaker: Hue Walker- Dome Producers Master Class
Louisiana Art and Science Museum - Room: Planetarium
Apr 18, 2008

Spontaneous Fantasia by J Walt
Speaker: J.Walt, independent designer, filmmaker, graphic arts and composer
Louisiana Art and Science Museum - Room: Planetarium
Apr 18, 2008

From Cutting Edge to Cookie Cutter
Speaker: Hans Rijpkema, Rhythm and Hues
Shaw Center for the Arts - Room: Manship Theatre
Apr 18, 2008

Andreas Deja - A Life in Pictures, (and Sketches)
Speaker: Andreas Deja, Disney Feature Animation
Shaw Center for the Arts - Room: Manship Theatre
Apr 18, 2008

More than Meets the Eye- Making Michael Bay's Transformers
Speaker: Tom Martinek, Industrial Light & Magic
Shaw Center for the Arts - Room: Manship Theatre
Apr 18, 2008

The Eyes of Madame Tutli Putli
Speaker: Jason Walker, Designer, Animator and Digital Compositor
Old State Capitol - Room: House Chamber
Apr 17, 2008

Enhancing Image Fidelity through Spatio-Spectral Design for Color Image Acquisition, Reconstruction, and Display
Speaker: Keigo Hirakawa, Harvard University
Electrical Engineering Building - Room: 117
Apr 15, 2008

Beams of the Future
Speaker: Mihai Bondarescu, Caltech
Nicholson Hall - Room: 262
Apr 10, 2008

Why Deltas Don't Necessarily Drown When Sea Level Rises
Speaker: Dr. Chris Paola, National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics, University of Minnesota
Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex - Room: E-130
Apr 09, 2008

Modeling of Shallow Water Flows: Applications of DG methods in Coastal and Hydraulic Engineering
Speaker: Claes Eskilsson, Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, LSU
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 03, 2008

Shape Mapping Framework for Graphics and Visual Computing
Speaker: Xin Li, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Electrical Engineering Building - Room: 117
Apr 03, 2008

Shape Mapping Framework for Graphics and Visual Computing
Speaker: Xin Li, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Electrical Engineering Building - Room: 117
Apr 03, 2008

Living with Madden: The Drive for Consistent Excellence
Speaker: Philip Holt, EA Tiburon
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 26, 2008

Validation and Verification of Moving Boundary Models of Land Building Processes
Speaker: Vaughan R. Voller, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 13, 2008

A Cost-based Multi-Unit Resource Auction for Service-oriented Grid Computing
Speaker: Roman Beck, Institute of Information Systems, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 11, 2008

An Exploration and Identification of Technology Usage Inhibitors
Speaker: Ronald T. Cenfetelli, University of British Columbia
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 21, 2008

Using openGR for Numerical Relativity Simulations
Speaker: Paul Walter, University of Texas at Austin
Nicholson Hall - Room: 201
Feb 21, 2008

Scalable Solver Infrastructure for Multirate, Multiscale PDE Applications
Speaker: David E. Keyes, Fu Foundation Professor in Applied Mathematics, Columbia University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 18, 2008

Migol: A Fault Tolerant Grid Service Framework for Computational Applications in the Grid
Speaker: Andre Luckow, University of Potsdam, Germany
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 07, 2008

Polynomial Chaos and Uncertainty Quantification
Speaker: Xiaoliang Wan, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 31, 2008

Modeling and Simulation of Liquid Crystal Elastomers
Speaker: Wei Zhu, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 29, 2008

Modeling and Simulation of Liquid Crystal Elastomers
Speaker: Wei Zhu, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 29, 2008

Probing the Binary Black Hole Merger Regime with Scalar Perturbations
Speaker: Eloisa Bentivegna, Pennsylvania State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 29, 2008

Superfast solvers for some large structured matrix problems
Speaker: Jianlin Xia, UCLA
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 24, 2008

A Spectral/hp Element Method for Particle-Fluid Interaction
Speaker: Dr. Don Liu, Louisiana Technical University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 23, 2008

A Dimension-Adaptive Sparse Grid Stochastic Collocation Technique for Partial Differential Equations with High-Dimensional Random Input Data
Speaker: Clayton Webster, Sandia National Laboratories
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 22, 2008

Superconvergent Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
Speaker: Johnny Guzman, University of Minnesota
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 17, 2008

Recent Advances in Box Constrained Optimization
Speaker: Hongchao Zhang, University of Minnesota
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 15, 2008

From Reality to Metaphor, by Way of Imagination
Speaker: Sean Carroll, California Institute of Technology
Shaw Center for the Arts - Room: TBA
Dec 05, 2007

Relativistic Simulations of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Speaker: Weiqun Zhang, New York University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 29, 2007

Ambisonics in Action: The Making of "Encounter(s)"
Speaker: Elainie Lillios and Michael Thompson, New Media and Emerging Technology Center, Bowling Green State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 28, 2007

The Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications
Speaker: Douglas N. Arnold, Director of the Institute For Mathematics and its Applications, and Professor of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Oct 16, 2007

Introduction to the Numerical Non-linear Medium
Speaker: Jennifer Tate, Center for Computation & Technology
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Oct 09, 2007

Deploying Regional Cyberinfrastructure for Strategic Application Development and Support
Speaker: Dr. Ravi K. Vadapalli, Research Scientist, High Performance Computing Center, Texas Tech University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Oct 01, 2007

Computer Music Composition and Interactive Art
Speaker: David Psenicka, Post-doctoral Researcher, Center for Computation & Technology
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Oct 01, 2007

ASKALON: An Application Development and Runtime Environment for the Grid
Speaker: Thomas Fahringer and Radu Prodan, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 24, 2007

Initial Data for Neutron Star - Black Hole Systems
Speaker: Frank Löffler, Sissa, Trieste, Italy
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 18, 2007

The development of a mixed mode programming paradigm
Speaker: Meng-Shiou Wu, Postdoctoral Research Fellow,Scalable Computing Laboratory, Ames, Iowa
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jul 09, 2007

Simulating Proto-clusters of Galaxies with ASKALON on the Austrian Grid
Speaker: Michaela Lechner, University of Innsbruck
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 30, 2007

Tensor Visualization for Finding Structures in Brain and Nematic Liquid Crystal
Speaker: Song Zhang, Mississippi State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 15, 2007

The High Performance Computing Collaboratory at MSU
Speaker: Robert Moorhead, Director, Visualizarion Analysis and Imaging Lab, Mississippi State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 15, 2007

A cookbook approach to parsing and output generation with Spirit2
Speaker: Joel de Guzman, Boost Consulting
Johnston Hall - Room: 218
May 11, 2007

Improved outer boundary conditions for Einstein's field equations
Speaker: Luisa T. Buchman, University of Texas at Austin
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 03, 2007

Coastal Modeling in the 21st Century: A problem in probability and statistics
Speaker: Philip Bogden, Acting Director, SURA Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction (SCOOP) Program
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 30, 2007

Colorado State's Information Science & Technology Center (ISTeC)
Speaker: Prof. H. J. Siegel, Colorado State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 27, 2007

The Role of Information Technology in Robotic Space Exploration
Speaker: Dr. Larry Bergman
Johnston - Room: 338
Apr 26, 2007

Spotlight on UI-Based HPC Applications in Medical Imaging
Speaker: Jun Ni, Ph.D. M. E., University of Iowa
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 04, 2007

On Enabling Technologies for HPC Class and Manageable Larger-Scale Component-Based Collaborative Environments
Speaker: Petr Holub, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Apr 02, 2007

Towards absorbing outer boundaries in General Relativity
Speaker: Olivier Sarbach, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 15, 2007

ICT-SSAI: Hybrid Scalable Parallel Incomplete Cholesky Preconditioning
Speaker: Keita Teranishi, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 12, 2007

Modelling sources of gravitational waves: from the birth of a black hole to the merger of binary systems
Speaker: Luciano Rezzolla, Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics, Albert Einstein Institute
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 08, 2007

On Wall Layer Models for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows
Speaker: Sachin Badarayani, Arizona State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 01, 2007

Social interaction in computer-augmented environments - towards an understanding of users' experience in interactive spaces
Speaker: Dr. Eva Hornecker, Pervasive Interaction Lab, The Open University, UK
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 28, 2007

Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals: Another opportunity for Numerical Relativity
Speaker: Carlos F. Sopuerta, University of Guelph, Canada
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 28, 2007

Numerical Approaches to Neutron Star Pulsations
Speaker: Nikolaos Stergioulas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 21, 2007

Exploiting Parallelism in Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning Systems
Speaker: Hung Le, Computer Science Department, New Mexico State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 21, 2007

Recent development in nonconforming methods for Maxwell equations
Speaker: Dr. Fengyan Li, Assistant Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 19, 2007

Metal enrichment of the intra-cluster medium over a Hubble time for merging and relaxed galaxy clusters
Speaker: Wolfgang Kapferer, University of Innsbruck
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 14, 2007

Image processing at the Infmath Imaging Group – University of Innsbruck
Speaker: Tobias Riser, PhD Student, University of Innsbruck
Johnston - Room: 338
Feb 13, 2007

Stanford's Foresight and Forsythe's Stanford
Speaker: Paul Saylor, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Johnston - Room: 338
Feb 05, 2007

Scientific Computing Technologies Devising High-Order Methods and Adaptive Mesh Refinements
Speaker: Hae-Won Choi, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Scientific Computing Division
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 05, 2007

Computer Performance Analysis and the Pi Theorem
Speaker: Robert W. Numrich, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 18, 2007

The Principle of Computational Least Action
Speaker: Robert W. Numrich, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
Johnston Hall - Room: 331
Jan 17, 2007

A Parallel Numerical Library for Co-Array Fortran
Speaker: Robert W. Numrich, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 17, 2007

Some remarks on nonconforming finite element methods
Speaker: Dongwoo Sheen, Department of Mathematics, Seoul National University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 09, 2007

Case Studies of Australian Companies Offshoring with Indian BPOs
Speaker: Professor Graham Pervan, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Dec 06, 2006

Random Number Generation: A Practitioner's Overview
Speaker: Prof. Michael Mascagni, Department of Computer Science and School of Computational Science, Florida State University
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 29, 2006

An Introduction to Java
Speaker: Steve White, Scientific Programmer, Max-Planck-Institut f
Frey Computing Services Center - Room: 307
Nov 29, 2006

An Introduction to High-Resolution Shock-Capturing Methods
Speaker: Luca Baiotti, Albert Einstein Institute, Golm, Germany
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 08, 2006

Ingredients of a Virtual Topology Lab: Extracting Topological Features of Flow Fields
Speaker: Tino Weinkauf, Zuse Institute Berlin
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Nov 06, 2006

An Introduction to C++ for C Programmers, part 2
Speaker: Jonathan Thornburg, Albert Einstein Institute
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Oct 25, 2006

Modern Application Design using Modern Programming Paradigms and a Library-Centric Software Approach
Speaker: Ren
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Oct 20, 2006

A Generic Scientific Simulation Environment
Speaker: Ren
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Oct 18, 2006

An Introduction to C++ for C Programmers (part 1)
Speaker: Jonathan Thornburg
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Oct 18, 2006

High Resolution Storm Surge Computer Modeling
Speaker: Rick Luettich, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 27, 2006

Player-Stage: A Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing
Speaker: Matthias Kranz, Ph.D. student, University of Munich
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 25, 2006

Computer Science Issues for Large Scale Applications
Speaker: Dr. Gabrielle Allen, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Coates Hall - Room: 256
Sep 22, 2006

Introduction to Blender
Speaker: Alaric Haag, LSU Earth Scan Lab
Frey Computing Services Center - Room: 307
Sep 13, 2006

Nanoscale theory and simulation: light interactions with metallic nanosystems
Speaker: Tae-Woo Lee, Post Doctoral Fellow, Argonne National Laboratory
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Sep 13, 2006

SADIe: Semantics for Accessibility
Speaker: Sean Bechhofer
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Aug 24, 2006

Enhancing Biological Knowledge Using Ontologies
Speaker: Dr. Georgina Moulton
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Aug 24, 2006

Computational Modeling of Woven Composites
Speaker: M. Prabhakar Rao
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Aug 15, 2006

High Performance Computing at the University of Arkansas
Speaker: Amy W. Apon
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Aug 11, 2006

Information processing in cellular networks: fuzziness, sloppiness, and the structure of neutral spaces
Speaker: Chris Myers
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Aug 01, 2006

IntelliForest: a network-centric system for natural habitat monitoring
Speaker: Pawel Lichocki
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jul 21, 2006

Physics-based prediction of structure and folding pathways of proteins
Speaker: Jozef Adam Liwo
Life Sciences Building Annex - Room: A101
Jul 10, 2006

Sierra Computational Mechanics Framework: Managing Complexity for Massively Parallel Adaptive Multiphysics Applications
Speaker: H. Carter Edwards
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jul 10, 2006

Spin-Spin Interactions in Binary Black Hole Initial Data
Speaker: Scott H. Hawley
Johnston - Room: 338
Jun 21, 2006

The Gravitational-Wave Signature of Core-Collapse Supernovae: New Results from Simulations in 3+1 General Relativity
Speaker: Christian Ott
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jun 15, 2006

Derivative-enhanced Simulation Approach Via Automatic Differentiation Method
Speaker: Jong Kim
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jun 12, 2006

HD Multipoint Videoconferencing
Speaker: Petr Holub
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jun 09, 2006

The Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform Project
Speaker: Nathan DeBardeleben
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jun 02, 2006

Spacetime Discontinuous Galerkin Methods: Applications to Molecular Dynamics and Thermomechanical Response
Speaker: Robert Haber
CEBA - Room: 2412
May 30, 2006

The ADvanced CIRCulation model (ADCIRC)
Speaker: Dr. Hassan Mashriqui
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 19, 2006

Resampling & Reanimating Free-Form Surfaces
Speaker: Michael Garland
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 15, 2006

Numerical Relativity beyond Scri+
Speaker: Charles Misner
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
May 08, 2006

A New Basis for Spectral Methods
Speaker: Qian-Yong Chen
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 27, 2006

Towards time stable and high order accurate schemes for realistic
Speaker: Ken Mattsson
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 24, 2006

High order finite difference methods for wave propagation in discontinuous media
Speaker: Ken Mattsson
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 23, 2006

High Order One-Step Difference Methods for Wave Propagation
Speaker: Bertil Gustafsson
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 22, 2006

Computing Accurate Eigenvalues -- from Electrical Impedance Tomography to 3D Target Recognition
Speaker: Plamen Koev
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 22, 2006

Application of Cartesian SAMR for Real-World CFD
Speaker: Ralf Deiterding
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Mar 20, 2006

Grid Computing and a Services Economy - The Opportunity for Business Technologists
Speaker: Mark Hicks
CEBA - Room: 1121
Mar 17, 2006

Protein Folding by Molecular Dynamics with the United-Residue Force Field
Speaker: Harold Scheraga
Life Sciences Annex - Room: A101
Mar 15, 2006

Researching & Teaching Emergent Technology: A Case for Business Process Management and Service-Oriented Delivery
Speaker: Richard Welke
CEBA - Room: 2145
Feb 24, 2006

Fast Solvers for Co Interior Penalty Methods
Speaker: Susanne Brenner
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 23, 2006

The Role of GAT in the D-Grid Project(s)
Speaker: Alexander Beck-Ratzka
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Feb 22, 2006

Properties of Local Black Hole Horizons
Speaker: Stephen Fairhurst
Johnston Hall - Room: 338
Jan 31, 2006

"Application of the UNRES force field to simulations of folding pathways of multi-chain proteins"
Speaker: Ana Rojas
Johnston - Room: 331
Dec 12, 2005

A New Mechanism for Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions: Implications for Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
Speaker: Christian David Ott
Johnston - Room: 338
Dec 01, 2005

A New Mechanism for Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions: Implications for Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
Speaker: Christian David Ott
Johnston - Room: 338
Dec 01, 2005