
photo5th High-End Visualization Workshop

(sponsored by the Center for Computation & Technology at LSU)

NEW DATES SET:  MARCH 18-21, 2009

Location:  Louisiana State University, 307 Frey Computing Services Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana U.S.A.


Open issues in visualization with special concentration on applications in astrophysics, numerical relativity, computational fluid dynamics and high-performance computing.


Open issues in visualization with special concentration on applications in astrophysics, numerical relativity, computational fluid dynamics and high-performance computing. This workshop is the fifth one in a series of meetings among researchers in the field of scientific visualization and end-users from application areas with needs for high-end visualizations of their data. Previous events took place in Obergurgl, Austria, hosted by the University of Innsbruck. This year, for the first time, it will take place in Louisiana.

This year's feature: Remote and Collaborative Visualization

With the technological resources of networking resources, scientific visualization is no longer not only bound to local desktop machines, but it has even become mandatory to utilize the ability to connect to other resources. On the one hand, the sheer amount of data from modern supercomputing simulation makes it impossible to transfer all data to a single machine or even laptop, and the scientists face the question how to inspect their data without loosing possibly important details. On the other hand, with collaborations among the globe, it is as relevant to share views of data same as sending emails or browsing websites. Yet, no such technology exists for scientific data. We intend to discuss current implementations, visions for future directions and what the highest demands and possible bottlenecks are for such technology.

This workshop is inter-disciplinary by nature, and as we do every year, we also encourage contributions that are outside the focus topic.


* Remote visualization servers
* Collaborative visualization
* Interoperability among different visualization software
* Distributed and parallel visualization
* Scalability of visualization algorithms
* Existing visualization frameworks (e.g., VTK, Avizo, Chombovis) and their support for remote and collaborative visualization
* Workflow management systems and integrability with visualization software
* Demands and constraints as seen from end-users
* Availability of Grid technologies for visualization, in particular interactive


We invite authors to submit original and unpublished work (also not submitted elsewhere for review) reporting solid and innovative results and positions on any of the conference topics. Papers should be single-spaced pages of text using 10-point size type on 8.3 x 11.7 inch (A4) paper, no columns.  Authors should submit a PDF file. Electronic submission is required, to http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vizworkshop08 . Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper if it is accepted. See important dates below for submission deadlines.


All submissions will be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings. The proceedings will be distributed at the event.

REGISTRATION: There is no cost to attend, but pre-registration is required.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

Participants can opt to attend dinner on Thursday, March 19, 2009 (7:00 P.M.) at Boutin's Cajun Restaurant for a $25 per person fee.  Enjoy live cajun music, and your choice of seafood, steak or chicken.  More information on Boutin's Restaurant can be viewed at: http://www.boutins.com/ (participants must provide their own transportation).


    * Full paper due: January 30, 2009 (Extended to February 27, 2009)
    * Notification of acceptance: March 2, 2009
    * Final papers due: March 4, 2009

For more information, email obergurgl@aei.mpg.de.


SCHEDULE:  The workshop program will run Thursday-Friday (March 19-20th), 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.  NOTE:  Saturday has been canceled.   A tentative schedule is listed below.

Date:  March 19, 2009 - Thursday


  • Noon: Luncheon Amira/Avizo Tools Session (sponsored by Mercury Systems) 
  • 1:45pm - 2:30pm Visualization Challenges in Stirtank Fluid Simulations (F.Harhad, S.Roy, S.Acharya)
  • 2:30pm - 3:15pm Andreas Gerndt, Rolf Hempel, Edmund Kügeler and Torsten Kuhlen. Post-processing Pipeline Optimization for Interactive Exploration of Multi-Block Turbine Propulsion Simulation Datasets
  • 3:15pm --BREAK
  • 3:30pm - 4:15pm Andrei Hutanu, Jinghua Ge, Cornelius Toole and Gabrielle Allen. Towards an interactive and distributed visualization system for exploring large datasets submission information
  • 4:15pm - 5:00pm Wolfram Schoor, Marc Hofmann, Simon Adler, Werner Benger, Bernhard Preim and Rüdiger Mecke. Remote Rendering of Large Biological Data Sets
  • 5:15pm - 6:00pm Werner Benger, Marcel Ritter, Georg Ritter and Wolfram Schoor. Beyond the Visualization Pipeline: The Visualization Cascade
  • 6:00pm - 6:38pm Burlen Loring, Enabling Collaborative Capabilities in Paraview

Date:  March 20, 2009 - Friday


  • 10am Matthew Dogherty - the need for BioHDF5
  • 11am Ed Seidel Keynote talk - from the NSF Office of Cyberinfrastructure 
  • 1:45pm - 2:00pm Guenter Knittel and Roman Parys. Interactive Large-Scale Volume Rendering 
  • 2:00pm - 2:30pm Wolfram Schoor, et. al.
  • 2:30pm -- BREAK
  • 03:00 pm - panel session (Mayank Tyagi) open issues in vizualization for computational fluid dynamics, astrophysics, and more

Relaxed atmosphere in subgroups for discussions and real tool installing/investigation/trying out on personal laptops



Optional Session at LITE, Lafayette, Louisiana:

Date:  March 18, 2009

Time:  1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Place:  Kathleen Babineaux Blanco LITE Theatre, Louisiana Immersive Technologies Enterprise (LITE)
537 Cajundome Boulevard, Suite 209, Lafayette, LA 70506

Contact:  Simon Su @ simonsu@Princeton.edu

12:00       Meeting at CCT, transportation to LITE (Lafayette, ca. 1h drive) by private cars
             ** Werner Benger - 3-4 seats available 
             ** Jinghua Ge - 2 seats available *from LITE back to BR*


1:30-1:45 LITE Representative Introduction to LITE

1:45-2:15 VISH (Werner Benger, LSU CCT) 

2:15-2:45 VISTA (Torsten Kuhlen, Aachen University, Germany)

2:45-3:15 VRFlowVis  (Andreas Gerndt, German Aerospace Center)

3:15-3:45 FreeVR  (William Sherman, DRI, Nevada)

3:45-4:15 Vrui (Oliver Kreylos, UC Davis, California)

4:15-5:30 Demonstrations of Toolkits

6:30         Return to Baton Rouge (1hour drive)


photoFifth Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting

April 17 & 18, 2009

Louisiana State University 

338 Johnston Hall

Registration Deadline: Friday, April 10th

The LSU Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) will host the Fifth Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting on the LSU campus April 17 & 18, 2009.

This meeting is open to faculty, students and researchers from Gulf Coast-area colleges and universities who are conducting work in gravitation, including numerical relativity, astrophysics, gravitational waves or high-energy physics.

The Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting series provides an opportunity for researchers in this area to collaborate, discuss trends and examine their peers’ work.

The 2009 Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting will feature speaker panels with short talks relating to current or ongoing gravitational research.

There is no conference fee to attend the meeting, but registration is required.

For more information please contact Peter Diener at diener@cct.lsu.edu or 225-578-6880.


REGISTRATION:  Click here to register.

CALL FOR TALKSClick here to submit your talk. --NOTE:  You must register first!

TRAVEL:  Click here for travel and lodging details.



GCGM5 Schedule

338 Johnston Hall


 Friday, April 17, 2009:

12:30-13:00    Registration
13:00-13:30    Welcome + Practical information

Session 1:

13:30-13:50:    Konstantin Yakunin "Gravitational Waves from Core Collapse Supernova "
13:50-14:10:    Yan Wang (S) "Strong field effects on pulsar arrival times "
14:10-14:30:    Argenis Da Silva (S) "Evolution of Electrically Charged and Anisotropic Stars "

14:30-15:00:    Refreshments

Session 2:

15:00-15:20:    Tyler Landis (S) "General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics on Multiple Patches "
15:20-15:40:    Oleg Korobkin (S) "Dynamical Nonaxisymmetric Instabilities in Relativistic Self-Gravitating Disks "
15:40-16:00:    Miguel Megevand (S) "Effects of recoiling black holes on surrounding disks "
16:00-16:20:    Roland Haas "Black Hole - Neutron Star Binary Simulations at Georgia Tech "

16:20-16:40:    Break

Session 3:

16:40-17:00:    Usama al-Binni (S) "Particle emission from a black hole on a codimension-2 brane "
17:00-17:20:    Jeff Kissel (S) "The Present and Near Future of LIGO "
17:20-17:40:    Gabriela Gonzalez, for the LSC "Calibration of the LIGO detectors "

Saturday, April 18, 2009:

9:00-9:30:    Coffee

Session 4:

9:30-9:50:    David Brown "Probing the puncture for black hole simulations "
9:50-10:10:    Travis Garrett "Scalar Fields and Moving Punctures "
10:10-10:30:    Richard Price "New numerics for the helicallly symmetric standing wave approximation"

10:30-11:00:    Break

Session 5:

11:00-11:20:    Jacob Slutsky (S) "Data quality and vetoes in searches for compact binary coalescences in LIGO's fifth science run "
11:20-11:40:    Amber Stuver "LOOC-UP: A LIGO-Virgo Gravitational Wave Observation "
11:40-12:00:    Rupal Amin (S) "Thermal Compensation in LIGO "

12:00-13:30:    Lunch

Session 6:

13:30-13:50    Myungkee Sung "Search for Burst Type Gravitational Wave in the LIGO Experiment "
13:50-14:10    Cesar Costa "Adaptive Filters: Transients and System Change Detection on LIGO Auxiliary Channels "
14:10-14:30    Sarah Caudill (S) "Estimating the Accidental Coincidence Rates in Searches for Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescences with LIGO "

14:30-15:00:   Refreshments

Session 7:

15:00-15:20:    Cristina Torres "Detection confidence tests for Inspiral Candidate Events "
15:20-15:40:    Eloisa Bentivegna "Quasi-local angular momentum estimates via constant-expansion surfaces "
15:40-16:00:    Erik Schnetter  "Community Infrastructure for General Relativistic MHD (CIGR) "
16:00-16:20:    Peter Diener "Self force calculations using a 3D finite differencing code "




Usama al-Binni

Abstract:  Particle emission from a black hole on a codimension-2 brane    
I will present results for analytical calculations of grey-body factors of Schwarzschild black-holes localized on a 3-brane of finite tension and codimension 2. The results are obtained for various types of particles emitted in the bulk as well as on the brane in both the low and high frequency regimes. In the latter case, the expressions are valid for arbitrary number of extra dimensions if the brane tension vanishes.


Rupal Amin

Abstract:   Thermal Compensation in LIGO 
Initial LIGO and Enhanced LIGO possess optics that impose self-induced thermal aberrations on the main laser light and its radio frequncy sidebands.  These effects driven by mirror absorption lead to failures in interferometer power build-up and loss of control signal strength especially in the power recycling cavity. A thermal compensation system (TCS) comprised of auxillary heating lasers aided initial LIGO with optical stability at 8 W injected power. Enhanced LIGO faces larger thermal difficulties at above 8 W.  Additionally control signals available during initial LIGO will be removed.  Consequently a model comprised of a commercial FEM program and an in-house interferometer simulator is being constructed to predict interferometer response to the Enhanced LIGO TCS. Furthermore, we hope to discover new figures of merit to optimize TCS settings during high power operation.


Eloisa Bentivegna

Abstract: Quasi-local angular momentum estimates via constant-expansion surfaces    
Notions like energy and angular momentum and the associated conservation laws play an invaluable role in Newtonian dynamics. In General Relativity, however, the estimate of angular momentum and other physical observables is complicated by a number of factors, such as their non-localizability and the ambiguities in defining a reference frame in which to measure them. Most of these issues seriously affect numerical simulations, where only portions of a spacetime are usually accessible, and one has very little control over the coordinates used and their evolution. I will discuss how surfaces of constant expansion show the potential to alleviate these problems.


David Brown

Abstract: Probing the puncture for black hole simulations    
I will discuss some work in progress toward understanding the puncture recipe for black hole simulations.


Sarah Caudill

Abstract:   Estimating the Accidental Coincidence Rates in Searches for Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescences with LIGO  
In order to estimate accidental coincidence rates for the gravitational wave candidates found at the end of LIGO's inspiral search pipelines, the method of time-shifted data is used, where a number of time-shifted data streams are analyzed to provide accidental coincidence rates for candidates with a given signal-to-noise ratio. This method unfortunately provides poor estimation of rates for high signal-to-noise ratio candidates. We will present a proposal for improving the estimation of accidental coincidence rates, using the rate of triggers found in each detector before coincidence is used.


Cesar Costa

Abstract:    Adaptive Filters: Transients and System Change Detection on LIGO Auxiliary Channels 
Adaptive filters are known for being able to adjust themselves to unknown environments, and even track signal or system proprieties varying along time. This talk presents a method to detect sudden changes in dynamic systems by using adaptive filters and cumulative log-likelihood sum. The main idea in this work is determine how the coefficients behave when sudden changes (glitches) occur in the system, how the criteria would be for determining a detection of such events, and how those tools can be applied to LIGO auxiliary channels.


Argenis Da Silva

Abstract:  Evolution of Ellectrically Charged and Anisotropic Stars   
I use the method of the effective variables to study the evolution of spherical, electrically charged, anisotropic stars. I present some numerical results.


Peter Diener

Abstract:   Self force calculations using a 3D finite differencing code  
I will show results for the calculation of the self force on a scalar point charge in circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole
using a 3D multi-block finite differencing code. The code uses the field regularization technique of Vega and Detweiler and thus
avoids direct calculations of the singular part of the field. The scalar field is regular and the self force can be calculated at the location of
the particle.


Travis Garrett

Abstract:    Scalar Fields and Moving Punctures 
We describe our current research on adding scalar fields to black hole simulations in the BSSN framework.


Gabriela Gonzalez

Abstract:    Calibration of the LIGO detectors 
I will present the basics of how the LIGO detectors have calibrated their data in the last science data-taking run S5 (Nov 2005-October 2007), which achieved the detectors' initial design sensitivity. I will also discuss the estimated error in such calibration


Roland Haas 

Abstract:    Black Hole - Neutron Star Binary Simulations at Georgia Tech  
Mixed compact object binaries consisting of a black hole and a neutron star are expected to be not only one of the primary
sources of gravitational radiation to be observed by interferometric detectors but also the central engine of short gamma-ray bursts.  We report on the status of our effort at Georgia Tech to model these mixed binary systems using the moving puncture method. The results are obtained with an enhanced version our vacuum MayaKranc code coupled to the hydrodynamics Whisky code. We present preliminary results of gravitational waveforms and the disruption of the neutron star for simple polytropic equations of state.


Jeffrey Kissel

Abstract:    The Present and Near Future of LIGO
The two 4 km arm laser interferometric gravitational wave observatories (LIGO) are virtually finished with their first set of upgrades called "Enhanced LIGO." Much of the design for Advanced LIGO, the next much more impressive set of upgrades is finished as well. In this presentation, I'll describe the upgrades completed for Enhanced and planned for Advanced LIGO, present recent accomplishments and goals for the detectors' displacement sensitivity, and include projected time tables for completion.


Oleg Korobkin

Abstract:  Dynamical Nonaxisymmetric Instabilities in Relativistic Self-Gravitating Disks
Massive relativistic self-gravitating disks appear as transient structures in several astrophysical scenarios, such as a
merger involving a neutron star, or a supernova core collapse. Although these objects are short-lived, they might play an important
role in understanding the mechanism of gamma-ray bursts.  The viability of some models of gamma-ray burst engines depend on the
stability of massive self-gravitating disks around black holes.  We present results from numerical evolutions of perturbed
self-gravitating equilibrium tori and discuss the nature of observed non-axisymmetric instabilities.  The numerical simulations feature
fully dynamical 3-dimensional background.


Tyler Landis

Abstract:    General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics on Multiple Patches
We have been developing a code to simulate compact astrophysical systems such as black hole accretion disk systems believed to power many astrophysical jets. I will discuss the current status of the code including tests on fixed backgrounds and our treatment of the magnetic field.


Miguel Megevand

Abstract:   Effects of recoiling black holes on surrounding disks  
The dynamics of a binary black hole can give rise to a final black hole with a recoil velocity.  When a circumbinary disk is present, it will be disturbed by the recoiling black hole, possibly producing shocks and heating the gas. The hot gas can produce electromagnetic radiation through a variety of processes.  In this work we study the effects of a recoiling black hole on a thick gaseous disk.


Richard Price

Abstract:  New numerics for the helicallly symmetric standing wave approximation   
The periodic standing wave project uses information from a helically symmetric standing wave solution of Einstein's equations as an
approximation to the physical problem of a slowly decaying orbi with outgoing waves. The work has now been completed on computations of solutions using specialized coordinates, and is underway on a much more accurate spectral approach.


Erik Schnetter

Abstract:    Community Infrastructure for General Relativistic MHD (CIGR) 
The "Community Infrastructure for General Relativistic MHD" (CIGR) project plans to create a modern, scalable, open community toolkit for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD).  This toolkit will be able to integrate new science modules for the treatment of general relativistic hydrodynamics, microphysical equations of state, magnetohydrodynamics, and radiation transport.  The effort will build on accumulated experience with the Cactus framework, the Carpet adaptive mesh refinement driver, and the Whisky code.  This continues the development of the Einstein Toolkit, which already provides interoperability for initial data and analysis methods such as horizon finding, and is used very successfully by various research groups.


Jacob Slutsky

Abstract: Data quality and vetoes in searches for compact binary coalescences in  LIGO's fifth science run    
Searches for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences (CBCs), are hindered by the presence of transient detector noise, which can produce false alarms. Using auxiliary channels and the gravitational wave channel itself, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration has identified a variety of instrumental and environmental artifacts that lead to false signals. We find time intervals affected by these artifacts, and use them as vetoes for CBC and Burst searches in LIGO's fifth science run.


Amber Stuver

Abstract:     LOOC-UP: A LIGO-Virgo Gravitational Wave Observation Initiated Multi-messenger Astronomy Project  
Within the LIGO and Virgo Collaborations, the LOOC-UP project is being developed to implement the rapid electromagnetic (EM) follow-up of candidate gravitational wave events starting during the S6/VSR2 science run.  The application of such follow-ups will provide support for any detection of gravitational waves during this science run and provide valuable experience for mature EM follow-up applications during Advanced LIGO.  Collaborations with EM observatories are being established to open a communication channel with the gravitational wave (GW) observatories and to define target of opportunity observing allowances.  The LOOC-UP control and monitoring software, LUMIN, is also under development.  This software begins by taking in parameters, such as source location estimates, from near real-time coincident events between detectors and determining which of the participating EM observatories will be able to image the source area and when.  Once a human vets the candidate GW event, this information is then communicated to the EM observatories.  The source area will then be imaged and analyzed to search for EM transients that may be the counterpart to the GW source.  Once the LUMIN infrastructure is mature, it will be fully automated eliminating the need for human interaction.  This multi-messenger astronomy approach to the search for gravitational waves is an important step in the development of GW astronomy and is essential for Advanced LIGO and Virgo when many gravitational wave detections are expected.  (LIGO-G0900328)


Myungkee Sung

Abstract:  Search for Burst Type Gravitational Wave in the LIGO Experiment
The LIGO detectors have collected data with design sensitivity for about two calender year (November 2005 - October 2007). Transient gravitational-wave signals are expected from astrophysical bursts, such as core-collapse supernovae, the merger phase of coalescing binary compact stars and gamma-ray bursts. Searches for these burst type signals are performed with various methods, which have been developed to look for short duration and unknown waveforms. All-sky searches for burst signals have been done using the recent LIGO data with multiple methods. In addition, using information from other astrophysical observations, search analyses focusing on the gravitational wave signals related to observed astrophysical events are also being performed. In this presentation, I will describe the various analyses of burst searchs in the LIGO experiment and the techniques used.


Cristina Torres

Abstract:  Detection confidence tests for Inspiral Candidate Events     
In order to detect gravitational-wave signals from compact binary inspiral systems in the data from the LIGO detectors the LSC-Virgo
Compact Binary Coalescence(CBC) group has developed  an analysis method based on optimal matched filtering. In order to confirm the
possible discovery of gravitational waves, the CBC group has developed a detection checklist intended to validate the statistically
significant candidate events produced by the CBC analysis. The detection checklist is a series of additional tests geared to
corroborating a detection or to identifying a false alarm. We practice this checklist with the loudest candidates found (even if not
statistically significant) and with simulated signals. In this talk we will present the methodology used for candidate validation.


Yan Wang

Abstract:  Strong field effects on pulsar arrival times   
The strong gravitational field near a supermassive black hole affects paths and intensities of EM signals passing through it. Thus if a pulsar orbits a supermassive black hole, the timing and the intensity detected by a far field observer will exhibit a set of variances. We developed a formalism based on two "universal functions," one for the bending of photon trajectories and the other for the photon travel time on these trajectories. Though these can be, and are being applied to any non-rotating supermassive black hole case, we have initially used them to understand equatorial beams in circular orbits. This simple case exhibits many of the features expected more generally.


Konstantin Yakunin

Abstract:  Gravitational Waves from Core Collapse Supernova   
We perform numerical simulations of Core Collapse Supernova using the multi-dimensional hydrodynamics code CHIMERA The code can handle realistic nuclear reactions as well as spectral neutrino transport coupled with fluid motions. We present gravitational wave templates generated by both barionic matter and neutrino emission for progenitor stars with different masses.

John Lennon Educational Tour Bus to Visit LSU

June 4 & 5, 2009

The LSU Center for Computation and Technology (CCT) and the AVATAR: Arts, Visualization, Advanced Technologies and Research campuswide digital media initiative will host the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus on the LSU campus on Thursday, June 4, and Friday, June 5.  The bus is a mobile music and audio recording studio that visits college campuses, schools and community organizations across the United States each year to give students a chance to produce their own songs and music videos, experimenting with audiovisual technology. Apple provides all of the computer and recording equipment available on the bus.

For the LSU visit, the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus will be parked on the south end of the Parade Ground, on the Union side. If bad weather prevents the bus from parking on the Parade Ground, the bus will be along the parking spaces directly in front of the Union front steps. The bus will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on these two days. Students, faculty and community members are invited to come experience the bus and use the equipment inside to produce their own digital media projects. There is no cost for this activity. CCT and AVATAR are planning to have the bus open to the general public on Thursday, June 4, and will arrange for groups to tour the bus and use it for special digital media projects such as music recording, songwriting and music video production  on Friday, June 5. If you are interested in having a group of students from your school or department participate in the special project session on Friday, June 5, please contact AVATAR coordinator Lea Anne Couvillion at leaanne@cct.lsu.edu to make these arrangements.

For more information on the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, please visit http://www.lennonbus.org .

Thanks, and we hope you will let your students and staff know about this fun and exciting educational opportunity!

Parallel Programming and Cluster Computingphoto

July 5 - 11, 2009

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

338 Johnston Hall




The Center for Computation and Technology has partnered with the Supercomputing 2009 Education program and are hosting a workshop this summer to introduce undergraduate faculty to parallel programming & cluster computing. The SC09 Education program will send educators to run this workshop allowing attendees to benefit from the instructors' experiences of teaching parallel computing methods in the undergraduate classroom.

The Parallel Programming & Cluster Computing workshop focuses on techniques and tools for parallel computing. Much of this workshop concentrates on distributed parallelism (MPI); in addition, shared memory parallelism (OpenMP), instruction level parallelism, Graphics Processing Unit parallelism and hybrid shared/distributed parallelism are also explored. Participants will learn about developing, debugging, profiling and tuning of parallel applications across a variety of architectures, using tools from a variety of sources, including GNU, Intel, TotalView, and the Bootable Cluster CD.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND?  The workshop material is designed for undergraduate faculty from a variety of disciplines who would like to add parallel computing to their undergraduate teaching and research. In addition, undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to attend alongside a sponsoring faculty member. The workshop is hands-on, with exercises in both programming and curriculum development.


Click here to register:  Parallel Programming and Cluster Computing (NCSI Login website)

There is a fully refundable* deposit of $150 to attend the workshop and attendees will be required to cover their own travel expenses.  The fee includes the workshop itself, rooms in the LSU dorms, most meals and other costs associated with the workshop. ** Deposits will be refunded only after complete attendance at every single day of the workshop and submission of all surveys (pre-survey, all daily surveys, and post-survey), in a timely manner.
Withdrawing from a workshop without demonstrated special circumstances less than 28 calendar days before the official workshop start date may result in a partial or no refund.  Please review the SC Education Program workshop page for further information regarding fees, deposits, etc. at http://sc09.sc-education.org/workshops/schedule.php


Daily sessions run from 8a-5p with mid-morning, lunch, and mid-afternoon breaks (with Wednesday afternoon off). Evening labs are optional but encouraged. Participants will be expected to complete pre-workshop, daily, and post-workshop surveys. These are short and designed to help us improve our content and delivery methods. The group will gather on Sunday evening for dinner and the opening session, continue through the week, and depart after breakfast on Saturday morning.


Reservations for rooms on the LSU Campus (East Campus Apartments) can be submitted when you register. Unless otherwise requested, participants will be in a single room. Special needs/requests can be emailed to: kjones@lsu.edu.

For your stay in the LSU housing, you will be provided a linen package which includes:

  • (2) Sheets; (1) pillowcase
  • (2) towels per day; (1) washcloth per day
  • (1) blanket
  • (1) pillow

**Please report to the LSU East Campus Apartments check-in desk (middle building/activity center) for your room assignment and to pick up your keys/linen package. Check-in time begins at 11:00 AM on July 5th.  Check-out time begins at 7:00AM thru 10:00 AM on July 11th.  A campus map can be viewed at: http://www.lsu.edu/campus/    **

A Residence Hall map can be viewed at (bottom of page titled "ResLife tour map": http://appl003.lsu.edu/slas/reslifeweb.nsf/$Content/Residence+Hall+Tours?OpenDocument .  East Campus Apartments is #19; Johnston Hall is #139 behind Tiger Stadium.


Parking permits will be provided for non-LSU employees/students.  Permits will allow parking in the lots labeled "residential" as well as lots labeled "commuter/Zone 1".  You will receive your parking permit Sunday evening during the dinner/welcome session, so feel free to park on Sunday near the East Campus Apartments for offload/check-in for lodging.  Note:  Monday-Friday campus is restricted and you will not be able to drive thru the inner-campus.  Also towing and ticketing does occur Monday-Friday so make sure you are parked legally in the correct zone/lot.  If you have any questions regarding parking, please call 225-578-5030 or visit the Visitor Center located at the corner of Highland Road and Dalrymple.


Click here for driving directions.

MEALS:  Dinners will be provided on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  Each participant will be issued a meal card--""TIGER CASH CARD"--with a $100 allowance for breakfast and lunch ($25/day for Monday-Friday).  Breakfast will be provided on Saturday morning before dorm checkout.   TIGER CASH CARD locations include: LSU Faculty Club, LSU Union/Tiger Lair Food Court,  Subway/Foster Hall Cafe, Mini Mart, Dairy Store, Pierre's Landing by CEBA, 459 Commons, Cafe Ritazza/Design Building, and Vending Machines.


The closest airport is the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport. American Airlines-American Eagle, Continental Airlines, Delta Airlines-Delta Connections, Frontier Airlines and Northwest Airlines provide service to Baton Rouge. Another option for flights is the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, which is approximately 75 miles from the LSU campus. Taxi service will run approximately $23 from the airport to LSU campus. Pre-arranged airport shuttle can be scheduled by calling Reliant Travel 225-336-4814 (www.relianttransportation.com/) and will run approximately $35 one way.


1) Take a walking tour of campus (tour booklet included in registration materials)
2) Visit downtown Baton Rouge where you will find the Baton Rouge Old State Capitol, Louisiana Art & Science Museum, Shaw Center for the Arts, and LSU Museum of Art.
3) Baton Rouge City of Landmarks walking tour (click here)
4) Schedule a tour with Alligator Bayou Tours (click here)
5) Visit one or more Historic Plantation Homes (brochure included with registration materials)
6) Dine at Boutin’s Restaurant for a Cajun Music and Dining Experience (click here)
7) Try your luck--Casino Rouge or Belle of Baton Rouge
8) Drive into New Orleans and visit the French Quarter (approx. 90 miles)

