Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
abmv5_init | abmv5_integrator | Interface | |
abmv5_ntemp | abmv5_integrator | Interface | |
abmv5_shutdown | abmv5_integrator | Interface | |
abmv5_step | abmv5_integrator | Interface | |
acc_r | analytic_circular_orbit_implementation | Function | |
add_gf_cgf | grid_function | Interface | |
add_sc_mult_gf_cgf | grid_function | Interface | |
allocate_cdata | element | Interface | |
allocate_rdata | element | Interface | |
calc_dependent | osculating_schwarzschild | Interface | |
cgf | grid_function | Interface | The constructor for a complex data type grid function. |
cgfb | grid_function | Interface | The constructor for a complex data type boundary grid function. |
char_flux_complex | DG_structures | Interface | |
char_flux_real | DG_structures | Interface | |
choose_integrator | all_integrators | Subroutine | Routine that chooses an integrator by pointing to one of the available ones. |
circ_accel | accelerated_circular_orbit | Subroutine | |
close_cobserver | observers | Interface | |
close_geod_schw | geodesic_schwarzschild | Interface | |
close_osc_schw | osculating_schwarzschild | Interface | |
close_robserver | observers | Interface | |
close_sf_observer | self_force_observer | Interface | |
close_sing_observer | singular_observer | Interface | |
co_init | analytic_circular_orbit | Interface | |
co_load_globals | analytic_circular_orbit | Interface | |
co_output | analytic_circular_orbit | Interface | |
co_print_data | analytic_circular_orbit | Interface | |
co_rhs | analytic_circular_orbit | Interface | |
co_save_globals_1 | analytic_circular_orbit | Interface | |
co_save_globals_2 | analytic_circular_orbit | Interface | |
co_set_to_zero | analytic_circular_orbit | Interface | |
co_update_vars | analytic_circular_orbit | Interface | |
cobs_extract | observers | Interface | |
cobs_init | observers | Interface | |
cobs_output | observers | Interface | |
construct_filename | scalar_schw_implementation | Function | Construct unique filenames using a base name and the mode numbers l and m for reading in external inital data. The base name is constructed based on the run time parameters input_directory and input_basename. |
convert_rschw_to_rstar | time_dependent_coordinate_implementation | Subroutine | Routine that converts the particle location and time derivatives in Schwarszschild coordinates to Tortoise coordinates. |
convert_var_name | scalar_schw | Interface | |
coord_trans | time_dependent_coordinate_implementation | Subroutine | Routine that calculates the Tortoise coordinates from time dependent coordinates where the particle is kept at a fixed coordinate location as well as the informtation needed to transform the wave equation to time dependent coordinates. |
copy_cgf | grid_function | Interface | |
correct_for_higher_modes | numerics | Function | Function that fits higher order terms to data containing amplitude as function of l-values and corrects the sum over the evolved l-modes with the contribution from the not evolved l-modes. |
count_digits | scalar_schw_implementation | Function | Utility routine to count the number of digits in an integer. Used to construct filenames. |
cpde_output | pde_equations | Interface | |
cpde_print_data | pde_equations | Interface | |
cpde_set_to_zero | pde_equations | Interface | |
cpde_update_vars | pde_equations | Interface | |
deallocate_cdata | element | Interface | |
deallocate_cgf | grid_function | Interface | |
deallocate_cgfb | grid_function | Interface | |
deallocate_igfb | grid_function | Interface | |
deallocate_rdata | element | Interface | |
deallocate_ref_element | DG_structures | Interface | |
deallocate_rgf | grid_function | Interface | |
deallocate_rgfb | grid_function | Interface | |
Dmatrix1D | DG_implementation | Function | Initialize the differentiation matrix for a reference element of order . |
element_boundary_cdata | element | Interface | The constructor for the complex element boundary data class. |
element_boundary_idata | element | Interface | The constructor for the integer element boundary data class. |
element_boundary_rdata | element | Interface | The constructor for the real element boundary data class. |
element_cdata | element | Interface | The constructor for the complex element data class. |
element_rdata | element | Interface | The constructor for the real element data class. |
eps | numerics | Interface | |
eps_prec_d | numerics | Function | Double precision version of a function that returns the convergence criterium. |
eps_prec_q | numerics | Function | Quad precision version of a function that returns the convergence criterium. |
eps_prec_s | numerics | Function | Single precision version of a function that returns the convergence criterium. |
evaluate_source_all | scalar_schw_eff_implementation | Interface | |
factorial | numerics | Function | A simple factorial function. Use only for small values of as no consideration of efficiency has been made. |
Filter1D | DG_implementation | Function | Create an exponential filter matrix that can be used to filter out high-frequency noise. |
find_indices | observers | Interface | |
flux | scalar_schw_implementation | Function | Calculate a flux from the derivative data and the equation coefficient. |
GaussWeigths | DG_implementation | Subroutine | Routine to calculate the integration weights for the Gauss-Lobatto Quadrature points. |
generate_key | observers_implementation | Function | Function that generates a head key or heading to add to the top of output files for an observer. |
geod_schw_init | geodesic_schwarzschild | Interface | |
geod_schw_load_globals | geodesic_schwarzschild | Interface | |
geod_schw_output | geodesic_schwarzschild | Interface | |
geod_schw_rhs | geodesic_schwarzschild | Interface | |
geod_schw_save_globals_1 | geodesic_schwarzschild | Interface | |
geod_schw_save_globals_2 | geodesic_schwarzschild | Interface | |
get_accel | self_force_base | Subroutine | Routine that gets the 4-acceleration. |
get_chi | orbit_base | Subroutine | Routine that gets . |
get_current_dtime | time_info | Function | Function to get the current |
get_current_qtime | time_info | Function | Function to get the current quad precision time, . |
get_current_time | time_info | Function | Function to get the current working precision time, . |
get_d2accel_dt2 | self_force_base | Subroutine | Routine that gets the second coordinate time derivative of the 4-acceleration. |
get_daccel_dt | self_force_base | Subroutine | Routine that gets the coordinate time derivative of the 4-acceleration. |
get_dphidr | scalar_schw_eff_implementation | Interface | |
get_dphidt | scalar_schw_eff_implementation | Interface | |
get_elem_flux | scalar_schw_implementation | Subroutine | Calculate the characteristic fluxes for all elements for a single mode. |
get_force | self_force_base | Subroutine | Routine that gets the self-force variable. |
get_orbit | orbit_base | Subroutine | Routine that gets all the orbit variables except for . |
get_phi | scalar_schw_eff_implementation | Interface | |
get_tdc | orbit_base | Subroutine | |
gf1_plus_sc_mult_gf2_cgf | grid_function | Interface | |
GradJacobiP | DG_implementation | Function | Evaluate the derivative of the Jacobi polynomial of type at points for order . |
GradVandermonde1D | DG_implementation | Function | Initialize the gradient of the modal basis at . |
igfb | grid_function | Interface | The constructor for an integer data type boundary grid function. |
increment_time | time_info | Subroutine | Routine to increment by . |
init_boundary_cdata | element | Interface | |
init_boundary_idata | element | Interface | |
init_boundary_rdata | element | Interface | |
init_cgf | grid_function | Interface | |
init_cgfb | grid_function | Interface | |
init_grid_coordinates | grid | Interface | |
init_igfb | grid_function | Interface | |
init_ref_element | DG_structures | Interface | |
init_rgf | grid_function | Interface | |
init_rgfb | grid_function | Interface | |
init_time | time_info | Subroutine | Routine to initialize the time variables. |
init_wtube | world_tube | Interface | |
initialize_source | scalar_schw_eff_implementation | Interface | |
Inverse | DG_implementation | Function | Helper function that calculates the inverse of a matrix. |
invert_pe | geodesic_schwarzschild_implementation | Subroutine | Routine to convert from Energy and Angular momentum per unit mass to semi-latus rectum and eccentricity. |
invert_tortoise | numerics | Function | Function to invert the tortoise radius as a function of Schwarzschild radius. |
is_boundary | world_tube | Interface | |
Jacobian | DG_implementation | Subroutine | Calculate the Jacobian for transforming derivatives from the reference element to the physical element. |
Jacobian | grid_implementation | Subroutine | Routine that sets up the physical coordinates as well as the Jacobian and inverse Jacobian to convert derivatives between reference element and physical element. |
JacobiGL | DG_implementation | Subroutine | Compute the n'th order Gauss Lobatto quadrature points, , associated with the Jacobi polynomial of type . |
JacobiGQ | DG_implementation | Subroutine | Compute the n'th order Gauss quadrature points, and weights, , associated with the Jacobi polynomial of type . |
JacobiP | DG_implementation | Function | Function to evaluate Jacobi Polynomial of type (with ) at points for order . |
Lambert | numerics | Function | Function to calculate Lambert's W-function. |
ldep | numerics | Function | Function that calculates the higher order terms, in the self-force expansion over . |
legendre_sphPlm | gsl_interface | Interface | |
Lift1D | DG_implementation | Function | Initialize the lift matrix, , used to compute surface integral terms in the Discontinuous Galerkin formulation. |
linear_extrapolate | scalar_schw_implementation | Function | Utility function for linear extrapolation of data to the horizon and Scri+. |
lsum | numerics | Function | Function that calculates the sum of higher order terms, , provided by ldep from to . |
mol_ntmp | all_integrators | Function | Function that interfaces with the ntemp functions provided by the individual integrators. This function can be called before choose_integrator is called. |
mult_sc_add_sc_mult_gf_cgf | grid_function | Interface | |
mult_sc_cgf | grid_function | Interface | |
multifit_linear | gsl_interface | Interface | |
n_of_l | scalar_schw_implementation | Function | Calculate the number of m-modes for a given value of l. For the scalar charge in orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole we only need to evolve modes with even due to symmetries. |
n_unique_values | self_force_observer_implementation | Function | Helper function that finds the number of unique values in a 1d integer array. |
next_available_io_id | output_base | Function | Function that provides the next available file unit. |
nmodes_of_l | scalar_schw_implementation | Function | Calculate the total number of modes from lmin to lmax. |
ode_print_data | ode_equations | Interface | |
ode_set_to_zero | ode_equations | Interface | |
ode_update_vars | ode_equations | Interface | |
osc_schw_init | osculating_schwarzschild | Interface | |
osc_schw_load_globals | osculating_schwarzschild | Interface | |
osc_schw_output | osculating_schwarzschild | Interface | |
osc_schw_rhs | osculating_schwarzschild | Interface | |
osc_schw_save_globals_1 | osculating_schwarzschild | Interface | |
osc_schw_save_globals_2 | osculating_schwarzschild | Interface | |
output | self_force_base | Subroutine | Routine that performs output of the self-force. |
output_cgf | grid_function | Interface | |
output_cgfb | grid_function | Interface | |
output_coords | scalar_schw | Interface | |
output_igfb | grid_function | Interface | |
output_rgf | grid_function | Interface | |
output_rgfb | grid_function | Interface | |
read_all_modes | scalar_schw | Interface | |
read_parameters | parameters | Subroutine | Read in the run-time parameters from a file. The name of the file is read from the first command line option. If no command line options are given, use 'input.par'. |
ref_element | DG_structures | Interface | |
release_io_id | output_base | Subroutine | Function that releases the last assigned file unit. |
restore_and_increment_time | time_info | Subroutine | Routine to restore and increment a backup copy of the time. |
rgf | grid_function | Interface | The constructor for a real data type grid function. |
rgfb | grid_function | Interface | The constructor for a real data type boundary grid function. |
rk4_init | rk4_integrator | Interface | |
rk4_ntemp | rk4_integrator | Interface | |
rk4_shutdown | rk4_integrator | Interface | |
rk4_step | rk4_integrator | Interface | |
rk5_init | rk5_integrator | Interface | |
rk5_ntemp | rk5_integrator | Interface | |
rk5_shutdown | rk5_integrator | Interface | |
rk5_step | rk5_integrator | Interface | |
robs_extract | observers | Interface | |
robs_init | observers | Interface | |
robs_output | observers | Interface | |
rschw | numerics | Function | Function to invert the tortoise radius as a function of Schwarzschild radius. |
rstar_of_r | numerics | Function | Function to calculate the tortoise radius, , as function of the Schwarzschild radius, . |
save_time | time_info | Subroutine | Routine to make a backup copy of the time. |
sc_mult_gf1_plus_sc_mult_gf2_cgf | grid_function | Interface | |
sc_mult_gf_cgf | grid_function | Interface | |
scal_schw_eff_evaluate_source | scalar_schw_eff | Interface | |
scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr | scalar_schw_eff | Interface | |
scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dt | scalar_schw_eff | Interface | |
scal_schw_eff_get_singular | scalar_schw_eff | Interface | |
scal_schw_eff_init | scalar_schw_eff | Interface | |
scal_schw_eff_set_particle_pos | scalar_schw_eff | Interface | |
scal_schw_eff_set_time_window | scalar_schw_eff | Interface | |
scal_schw_flux | scalar_schw | Interface | |
scal_schw_init | scalar_schw | Interface | |
scal_schw_load_globals | scalar_schw | Interface | |
scal_schw_rhs | scalar_schw | Interface | |
scal_schw_save_globals_1 | scalar_schw | Interface | |
scal_schw_save_globals_2 | scalar_schw | Interface | |
set_accel | self_force_base | Subroutine | Routine that sets the 4-acceleration and the inner product of the 4-velovity and the self-force. |
set_d2accel_dt2 | self_force_base | Subroutine | Routine that sets the second coordinate time derivative of the 4-acceleration. |
set_daccel_dt | self_force_base | Subroutine | Routine that sets the coordinate time derivative of the 4-acceleration. |
set_dtime | time_info | Subroutine | Routine that sets . |
set_force | self_force_base | Subroutine | Routine that sets the self-force variable. |
set_lm_mode_info | scalar_schw_implementation | Subroutine | Loop over all mode and store it's corresponding and m-values. This should maybe made into a type bound procedure. |
set_orbit | orbit_base | Subroutine | Routine that sets all the orbit variables. |
set_particle_pos | scalar_schw_eff_implementation | Interface | |
set_tdc | orbit_base | Subroutine | |
set_time_window_coeffs | scalar_schw_eff_implementation | Interface | |
sf_extract | self_force_observer | Interface | |
sf_init | self_force_observer | Interface | |
sf_output | self_force_observer | Interface | |
sobs_extract | singular_observer | Interface | |
sobs_init | singular_observer | Interface | |
sobs_output | singular_observer | Interface | |
tdc_init | time_dependent_coordinate | Interface | |
tdc_set_coefficients | time_dependent_coordinate | Interface | |
tdc_tdc_to_tortoise_cscal | time_dependent_coordinate | Interface | |
tdc_tdc_to_tortoise_cvec | time_dependent_coordinate | Interface | |
tdc_tdc_to_tortoise_rscal | time_dependent_coordinate | Interface | |
tdc_tortoise_to_tdc_cscal | time_dependent_coordinate | Interface | |
tdc_tortoise_to_tdc_cscalb | time_dependent_coordinate | Interface | |
tdc_tortoise_to_tdc_cvecb | time_dependent_coordinate | Interface | |
time_window | numerics | Subroutine | Routine to calculate a smooth "Gaussian" type time window function, and it's first and second time derivative. |
tortoise_to_hyperboloidal | scalar_schw | Interface | |
transition | numerics | Subroutine | Routine to calculate the smooth transition function, , and it's first and second derivative with respect to the computational coordinate, . |
Vandermonde1D | DG_implementation | Function | Initialize the 1D Vandermonde matrix, for the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature points. |
wtube | world_tube | Interface | |
zero_cgf | grid_function | Interface |