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get_dphidt Interface


Called by

interface~~get_dphidt~~CalledByGraph interface~get_dphidt get_dphidt proc~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dt scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dt proc~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dt->interface~get_dphidt interface~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dt scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dt interface~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dt->proc~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dt

subroutine get_dphidt(mode, r, dphidtre, dphidtim) bind(c, name="0")


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=c_int) :: mode

The mode.

real(kind=c_double) :: r

The radial coordinate, r, in Schwarzschild coordinates.

real(kind=c_double) :: dphidtre

On output the real part of the time derivative of the singular field R(dΦdt|r).

real(kind=c_double) :: dphidtim

On output the imaginary part of the time derivative of the singular field R(dΦdt|r).


Interface to the C++ routine dPhi_dt that evaluates the time derivative of the singuler field at a given radial coordinate in Schwarzschild coordinates.