scal_schw_eff_set_time_window Interface



interface~~scal_schw_eff_set_time_window~~CallsGraph interface~scal_schw_eff_set_time_window scal_schw_eff_set_time_window proc~scal_schw_eff_set_time_window scal_schw_eff_set_time_window interface~scal_schw_eff_set_time_window->proc~scal_schw_eff_set_time_window interface~set_time_window_coeffs set_time_window_coeffs proc~scal_schw_eff_set_time_window->interface~set_time_window_coeffs

public module subroutine scal_schw_eff_set_time_window(this, tfac, dtfac_dt, d2tfac_dt2, do_smooth_after_lmax)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
class(scal_schw_eff), intent(inout) :: this

The routine is called on this object.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: tfac

The current value for the time window.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: dtfac_dt

The current value for the time derivative of the time window.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: d2tfac_dt2

The current value for the second time derivative of the time window.

integer(kind=ip), intent(in) :: do_smooth_after_lmax

If do_smooth_after_lmax use tfac=1, dtfac_dt=0, d2tfac_dt2=0. This allows for smooth turn on of the effective source for the modes with do_smooth_after_lmax, while the rest gets turned on instantaneously (e.g. when external initial data is available).


Interface to the set_time_window routine compatible with set_time_window.