scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr Interface



interface~~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr~~CallsGraph interface~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr proc~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr interface~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr->proc~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr interface~get_dphidr get_dphidr proc~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr->interface~get_dphidr

public module subroutine scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr(this, r, mode, dpsidr)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
class(scal_schw_eff), intent(inout) :: this

The routine is called on this object.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: r

The radial coordinate (Schwarzschild coordinates).

integer(kind=ip), intent(in) :: mode

The mode.

complex(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(:):: dpsidr

A 1d-array of size nvars of complex values that on return contains the radial derivative of the singular field for all variables.


Interface of the routine that evaluates the radial derivative of the singular field for a given mode and at a given radial coordinate.