JacobiGL Subroutine

subroutine JacobiGL(alpha, beta, n, r)

Compute the n'th order Gauss Lobatto quadrature points, , associated with the Jacobi polynomial of type .


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: alpha

The value of .

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: beta

The value of .

integer(kind=ip), intent(in) :: n

The order of the Jacobi polynomial.

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(n+1):: r

On output the location of the Gauss Lobatto quadrature points.

Called by

proc~~jacobigl~~CalledByGraph proc~jacobigl JacobiGL proc~init_ref_element init_ref_element proc~init_ref_element->proc~jacobigl interface~init_ref_element init_ref_element interface~init_ref_element->proc~init_ref_element interface~ref_element ref_element interface~ref_element->interface~init_ref_element proc~scal_schw_init scal_schw_init proc~scal_schw_init->interface~ref_element program~test test program~test->interface~ref_element interface~scal_schw_init scal_schw_init interface~scal_schw_init->proc~scal_schw_init


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine JacobiGL(alpha, beta, n, r)
    !! Compute the n'th order Gauss Lobatto quadrature points, \(x\),
    !! associated with the Jacobi polynomial of type
    !! \((\alpha,\beta)>-1\).
      real(wp), intent(in) :: alpha
      !! The value of \(\alpha\).
      real(wp), intent(in) :: beta
      !! The value of \(\beta\).
      integer(ip), intent(in) :: n
      !! The order of the Jacobi polynomial.
      real(wp), dimension(n+1), intent(out) :: r
      !! On output the location of the Gauss Lobatto quadrature points.
      real(wp), dimension(n-1) :: w

      if ( n<=0 ) then
        print*,'JacobiGL called with n<=0. Aborting'
      end if
      r = 0.0_wp
      if ( n==1 ) then
        r(1) = -1.0_wp
        r(2) = 1.0_wp
      end if

      call JacobiGQ ( alpha+1.0_wp, beta+1.0_wp, n-2, r(2:n), w )
      r(1) = -1.0_wp
      r(n+1) = 1.0_wp
    end subroutine JacobiGL