JacobiGQ Subroutine

subroutine JacobiGQ(alpha, beta, n, x, w)

Compute the n'th order Gauss quadrature points, and weights, , associated with the Jacobi polynomial of type .


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: alpha

The value of .

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: beta

The value of .

integer(kind=ip), intent(in) :: n

The order of the Jacobi polynomial.

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(n+1):: x

On output the location of the Gauss quadrature points.

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(n+1):: w

On output the weights.


proc~~jacobigq~~CallsGraph proc~jacobigq JacobiGQ qsteqr qsteqr proc~jacobigq->qsteqr dsteqr dsteqr proc~jacobigq->dsteqr


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine JacobiGQ(alpha, beta, n, x, w)
    !! Compute the n'th order Gauss quadrature points, \(x\) and weights,
    !! \(w\), associated with the Jacobi polynomial of type
    !! \((\alpha,\beta)>-1\).
      real(wp), intent(in) :: alpha
      !! The value of \(\alpha\).
      real(wp), intent(in) :: beta
      !! The value of \(\beta\).
      integer(ip), intent(in) :: n
      !! The order of the Jacobi polynomial.
      real(wp), dimension(n+1), intent(out) :: x
      !! On output the location of the Gauss quadrature points.
      real(wp), dimension(n+1), intent(out) :: w
      !! On output the weights.

      real(wp), dimension(1:n+1) :: h1, jdiag1, ireal
      real(wp), dimension(1:n) :: jdiag2, d1, d2, d3
      real(wp), dimension(max(1,2*n)) :: work
      real(wp), dimension(1:n+1,1:n+1) :: vect
      real(wp) :: lngammaab, lngammaa, lngammab
      integer(ip) :: info, i

      if (n==0) then
        x(1) = ( alpha - beta ) / ( alpha + beta + 2.0_wp )
        w(1) = 2.0_wp
      end if

      forall(i=0:n) ireal(i+1) = real(i,wp)
      h1 = 2.0_wp*ireal+alpha+beta
      where (h1>0.0_wp)
        jdiag1 = -(alpha**2-beta**2)/(h1*(h1+2.0_wp))
        jdiag1 = 0.0_wp
      end where
      d1 = 2.0_wp/(h1(1:n)+2.0_wp)
      d2 = ireal(2:n+1)*(ireal(2:n+1)+alpha+beta)* &
      d3 = 1.0_wp/((h1(1:n)+1)*(h1(1:n)+3))
      jdiag2 = d1*sqrt(d2*d3)
      if (wp == dp ) then
        call dsteqr('I', n+1, jdiag1, jdiag2, vect, n+1, work, info )
      else if (wp == qp ) then
        call qsteqr('I', n+1, jdiag1, jdiag2, vect, n+1, work, info )
      end if
      if (info <0) then
        print*,'Parameter ', i, ' in call to dsteqr has illegal value'
      end if
      if (info >0) then
        print*, i, ' off-diagonal elements have not converged to zero in call to dsteqr'
      end if
      x = jdiag1
      lngammaab = log_gamma(alpha+beta+1.0_wp)
      lngammaa  = log_gamma(alpha+1.0_wp)
      lngammab  = log_gamma(beta+1.0_wp)
      w = vect(1,:)**2*2.0_wp**(alpha+beta+1)/(alpha+beta+1)* &
    end subroutine JacobiGQ