gsl_interface Module

Module that defines the Fortran interface for a couple of C-routines from the Gnu Scientific Libray (GSL).


  • module~~gsl_interface~~UsesGraph module~gsl_interface gsl_interface module~kinds kinds module~gsl_interface->module~kinds iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~gsl_interface->iso_c_binding

Used by

  • module~~gsl_interface~~UsedByGraph module~gsl_interface gsl_interface proc~correct_for_higher_modes correct_for_higher_modes proc~correct_for_higher_modes->module~gsl_interface proc~sf_extract sf_extract proc~sf_extract->module~gsl_interface




  • public function legendre_sphPlm(l, m, x) bind(c, name='gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm')

    Interface to the C-routine gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm for calculating the associated Legendre polynomials used for spherical harmoonics.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=c_int), value:: l

    The l-value of the associated Legendre polynomial.

    integer(kind=c_int), value:: m

    The m-value of the associated Legendre polynomial.

    real(kind=c_double), value:: x

    The polar angle argument .

    Return Value real(kind=c_double)


  • public subroutine multifit_linear(n, p, xm, yv, cv, covm, chisq, ierr) bind(c, name="0")

    Interface to a C-routine that sets up the data structures needed for calling the GSL routine gsl_multifit_linear.


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    integer(kind=c_int), value:: n

    The number of data points.

    integer(kind=c_int), value:: p

    The number of parameters to fit.

    real(kind=c_double) :: xm(p*n)

    A real 1d array of size p*n containing all the fit models evaluated at all data points.

    real(kind=c_double) :: yv(n)

    A real 1d array of size n that contains all the observed data values.

    real(kind=c_double) :: cv(p)

    A real 1d array of size p that on output contains the best fit parameters.

    real(kind=c_double) :: covm(p*p)

    A real 1d array of size p*p that on output contains the covariance matrix.

    real(kind=c_double) :: chisq

    A real variable that on output contains the sum of squares of the residuals.

    integer(kind=c_int) :: ierr

    An error code for the call to the C-routine.