parameters Module

Definition of all parameters.


  • module~~parameters~~UsesGraph module~parameters parameters module~kinds kinds module~parameters->module~kinds

Used by

  • module~~parameters~~UsedByGraph module~parameters parameters proc~geod_schw_init geod_schw_init proc~geod_schw_init->module~parameters proc~scal_schw_load_globals scal_schw_load_globals proc~scal_schw_load_globals->module~parameters proc~tdc_set_coefficients tdc_set_coefficients proc~tdc_set_coefficients->module~parameters proc~geod_schw_rhs geod_schw_rhs proc~geod_schw_rhs->module~parameters proc~scal_schw_eff_init scal_schw_eff_init proc~scal_schw_eff_init->module~parameters proc~output_coords output_coords proc~output_coords->module~parameters proc~init_grid_coordinates init_grid_coordinates proc~init_grid_coordinates->module~parameters proc~read_all_modes read_all_modes proc~read_all_modes->module~parameters proc~co_init co_init proc~co_init->module~parameters proc~sobs_init sobs_init proc~sobs_init->module~parameters proc~osc_schw_load_globals osc_schw_load_globals proc~osc_schw_load_globals->module~parameters proc~scal_schw_save_globals_2 scal_schw_save_globals_2 proc~scal_schw_save_globals_2->module~parameters proc~choose_integrator choose_integrator proc~choose_integrator->module~parameters proc~init_wtube init_wtube proc~init_wtube->module~parameters proc~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr proc~scal_schw_eff_get_dsingular_dr->module~parameters proc~co_save_globals_1 co_save_globals_1 proc~co_save_globals_1->module~parameters module~accelerated_circular_orbit accelerated_circular_orbit proc~co_save_globals_1->module~accelerated_circular_orbit proc~geod_schw_load_globals geod_schw_load_globals proc~geod_schw_load_globals->module~parameters proc~scal_schw_rhs scal_schw_rhs proc~scal_schw_rhs->module~parameters proc~osc_schw_init osc_schw_init proc~osc_schw_init->module~parameters proc~scal_schw_init scal_schw_init proc~scal_schw_init->module~parameters proc~sf_extract sf_extract proc~sf_extract->module~parameters proc~invert_pe invert_pe proc~invert_pe->module~parameters proc~get_elem_flux get_elem_flux proc~get_elem_flux->module~parameters proc~geod_schw_save_globals_1 geod_schw_save_globals_1 proc~geod_schw_save_globals_1->module~parameters proc~mol_ntmp mol_ntmp proc~mol_ntmp->module~parameters proc~convert_rschw_to_rstar convert_rschw_to_rstar proc~convert_rschw_to_rstar->module~parameters program~test test program~test->module~parameters proc~tdc_init tdc_init proc~tdc_init->module~parameters proc~get_force get_force proc~get_force->module~parameters proc~sf_init sf_init proc~sf_init->module~parameters proc~construct_filename construct_filename proc~construct_filename->module~parameters module~accelerated_circular_orbit->module~parameters



TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
character(len=32), public :: equation_name ='scalar_schwarzschild'

The name of the PDE equation to evolve.

integer(kind=ip), public :: n_elems =32

The number of DG elements.

integer(kind=ip), public :: order =16

The order of the DG elements.

real(kind=wp), public :: Sminus =-20.0_wp

The computational coordinate of the horizon.

real(kind=wp), public :: r_center =10.0_wp

The Schwarzschild coordinate of the center of the domain. Not used if use_particle = .true.

integer(kind=ip), public :: t_size =5

The radius of the region where time-dependent coordinates are used (in units if DG elements).

logical, public :: use_particle =.false.

If .true. use the effective source, if .false. setup an initial Gaussian initial data profile.

real(kind=wp), public :: mass =1.0_wp

The mass of the black hole.

integer(kind=ip), public :: lmin =0

The minimum l-value to evolve.

integer(kind=ip), public :: lmax =20

The maximim l-value to evolve.

real(kind=wp), public :: gaussian_center =0.0_wp

The tortoise coordinate of the center of the Gaussian initial data profile.

real(kind=wp), public :: sigma =1.0_wp

The width of the Gaussian initial data profile.

real(kind=wp), public :: amplitude =1.0_wp

The amplitude of the Gaussian initial data profile.

real(kind=wp), public :: t_initial =0.0_wp

The initial time value.

real(kind=wp), public :: t_final =10.0_wp

The final time value.

real(kind=wp), public :: p_orb =10.0_wp

The semilatus rectum of the initial geodesic orbit.

real(kind=wp), public :: ecc =0.0_wp

The eccentricity of the initial geodesic orbit.

real(kind=wp), public :: phi_initial =0.0_wp

The initial value of the coordinate (used to match externally provided initial data).

real(kind=wp), public :: coufac =0.5_wp

The courant factor.

logical, public :: use_world_tube =.false.

If .true. use a world_tube around the particle. Should always be set when using a particle.

integer(kind=ip), public :: world_tube_width =1

The width of the world_tube in units of the DG element.

logical, public :: turn_on_source_smoothly =.false.

If .true. turn the effective source on smoothly for all element. When .false. at least one mode requires external initial data.

real(kind=wp), public :: tsigma =10.0_wp

The width of the 'torder'th order Gaussian used to turn on the effective source smoothly.

integer(kind=ip), public :: torder =4

The order of the Gaussian used to turn on the effective source smoothly.

integer(kind=ip), public :: out0d_every =-1

Zero dimensional output frequency. -1 means no output.

integer(kind=ip), public :: out1d_every =-1

One dimensional output frequency. -1 means no output.

real(kind=wp), public :: q_charge =1.0_wp

The charge of the scalar charge.

real(kind=wp), public :: q_mass =1.0_wp

The initial mass of the scalar charge.

logical, public :: use_osculating_orbit =.true.

If .true., the osculating orbits framework is used for orbit evolution. If .false., the geodesic evolution equations are used for orbit evolution.

logical, public :: use_generic_orbit =.false.

If .true., time-dependent coordinates are used. If .false., the orbit has to be circular.

logical, public :: evolve_orbit =.false.

If .true., apply the self-force back-reaction. If .false., a geodesic orbit is maintained.

logical, public :: turn_on_force_smoothly =.true.

If .true., turn on the back-reaction force smoothly. If .false., switch to full force instantaneously.

logical, public :: use_chi =.false.

If .true., use for turning on the source. If .false., use time.

real(kind=wp), public :: evolve_after =0.0_wp

After this value of (\chi) or time turn on the force.

real(kind=wp), public :: force_sigma =acos(-1.0_wp)

The width of the smooth turn on of the force.

logical, public :: fit_high_l =.false.

If .true., use some higher l-modes to fit the falloff and use that to improve the total self-force. If .false., use the sum of the evolved modes for the total self-force.

integer(kind=ip), public :: first_l =12

Smallest l-mode to include in the fit.

integer(kind=ip), public :: last_l =20

Largest l-mode to include in the fit.

integer(kind=ip), public :: fit_order =2

The order of the lowest order fit term.

integer(kind=ip), public :: nfit =1

The total number of terms to include in the fit.

logical, public :: output_coords_for_exact =.false.

When .true., the coordinates are output to file.

logical, public :: use_exact_initial_data =.false.

If .true., use external initial data for some modes.

integer(kind=ip), public :: exact_initial_data_lmax =-1

Use external initial data for all modes from lmin to this value.

character(len=1024), public :: input_directory

Directory containing the external initial data.

character(len=256), public :: input_basename

The base name for the input files.

character(len=5), public :: mol_integrator ='rk4'

The integrator to use. Currently allowed values are 'rk4', 'rk5' and 'abmv5'.

logical, public :: use_constant_acceleration =.false.

Use a constant accelerated geodesic orbit (either circular or eccentric).

logical, public :: use_gaussian_acceleration =.false.

Use a Gaussian acceleration profile (only for circuler orbits).

real(kind=wp), public :: accel_amp =0.0

Amplitude of the Gaussian acceleration profile.

real(kind=wp), public :: accel_sigma =1.0

Width (in time) of the Gaussian acceleration profile.

real(kind=wp), public :: accel_t0 =0.0

The time at which the acceleration event is centered.

real(kind=wp), public :: omega_ratio =1.0

For constant accelerated orbits, the ratio of the accelerated to geodesic angular velocity


public subroutine read_parameters()

Read in the run-time parameters from a file. The name of the file is read from the first command line option. If no command line options are given, use 'input.par'.

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