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rstar_of_r Function

public function rstar_of_r(r, mass)

Function to calculate the tortoise radius, r, as function of the Schwarzschild radius, rschw.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: r

The schwarzschild radius, rschw.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: mass

The mass of the black hole, M.

Return Value real(kind=wp)

The return value is r=rschw+2Mlog(rschw2M1).

Called by

proc~~rstar_of_r~~CalledByGraph proc~rstar_of_r rstar_of_r proc~convert_rschw_to_rstar convert_rschw_to_rstar proc~convert_rschw_to_rstar->proc~rstar_of_r proc~init_grid_coordinates init_grid_coordinates proc~init_grid_coordinates->proc~rstar_of_r proc~tdc_set_coefficients tdc_set_coefficients proc~tdc_set_coefficients->proc~convert_rschw_to_rstar interface~init_grid_coordinates init_grid_coordinates interface~init_grid_coordinates->proc~init_grid_coordinates interface~tdc_set_coefficients tdc_set_coefficients interface~tdc_set_coefficients->proc~tdc_set_coefficients program~test test program~test->interface~init_grid_coordinates


Source Code

Source Code

  function rstar_of_r ( r, mass )
  !! Function to calculate the tortoise radius, \(r_*\), as function of the
  !! Schwarzschild radius, \(r_{\mathrm{schw}}\).

    implicit none

    real(wp), intent(in) :: r
    !! The schwarzschild radius, \(r_{\mathrm{schw}}\).
    real(wp), intent(in) :: mass
    !! The mass of the black hole, \(M\).
    real(wp) :: rstar_of_r
    !! The return value is \(r_* = r_{\mathrm{schw}}+2 M\log\left (
    !! \frac{r_{\mathrm{schw}}}{2 M} - 1\right )\).

    rstar_of_r = r+2.0_wp*mass*log(r/(2.0_wp*mass)-1.0_wp)
  end function rstar_of_r