Function to evaluate Jacobi Polynomial of type (with ) at points for order .
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=wp), | intent(in), | dimension(:) | :: | x | The points at which to evaluate the Jacobi Polynomial. |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | alpha | The value of . |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | beta | The value of . |
integer(kind=ip), | intent(in) | :: | n | The order of the Jacobi polynomial. |
Returns .
function JacobiP(x, alpha, beta, n)
!! Function to evaluate Jacobi Polynomial \(P^{(\alpha,\beta)}_n\)
!! of type \((\alpha,\beta)>-1\) (with \(\alpha+\beta\neq -1\)) at points
!! \(x\) for order \(n\).
real(wp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
!! The points \(x\in[-1:1]\) at which to evaluate the Jacobi Polynomial.
real(wp), intent(in) :: alpha
!! The value of \(\alpha\).
real(wp), intent(in) :: beta
!! The value of \(\beta\).
integer(ip), intent(in) :: n
!! The order of the Jacobi polynomial.
real(wp), dimension(size(x)) :: JacobiP
!! Returns \(P^{(\alpha,\beta)}_n(x)\).
real(wp), dimension(n+1,size(x)) :: pl
real(wp) :: lngammaab, lngammaa, lngammab, invsqgamma0, gamma0, gamma1
real(wp) :: fac1, fac2
real(wp) :: aold, anew, bnew, h1, ireal, irealp1
integer(ip) :: i
pl = 0.0_wp
lngammaab = log_gamma(alpha+beta+1.0_wp)
lngammaa = log_gamma(alpha+1.0_wp)
lngammab = log_gamma(beta+1.0_wp)
invsqgamma0 = 2.0_wp**(alpha+beta+1.0_wp)/(alpha+beta+1.0_wp)* &
gamma0 = 1.0_wp/sqrt(invsqgamma0)
pl(1,:) = gamma0
if (n==0) then
JacobiP(:) = pl(1,:)
end if
gamma1 = 0.5_wp*sqrt((alpha+beta+3.0_wp) &
fac1 = (alpha+beta+2.0_wp)
fac2 = (alpha-beta)
pl(2,:) = gamma1 * ( fac1*x(:) + fac2 )
if (n==1) then
JacobiP(:) = pl(2,:)
end if
aold = 2.0_wp / (2.0_wp+alpha+beta) * &
sqrt ( (1.0_wp+alpha)*(1.0_wp+beta) / (3.0_wp+alpha+beta) )
do i = 1, n-1
ireal = real(i,wp)
irealp1 = ireal+1.0_wp
h1 = 2.0_wp*ireal+alpha+beta
anew = 2.0_wp/(h1+2.0_wp)* &
sqrt( irealp1*(irealp1+alpha+beta) * &
(irealp1+alpha) * (irealp1+beta) / &
(h1+1.0_wp)/(h1+3.0_wp) )
bnew = - (alpha**2-beta**2) / (h1*(h1+2.0_wp) )
pl(i+2,:) = 1.0_wp / anew * ( -aold*pl(i,:) + (x(:)-bnew)*pl(i+1,:) )
aold = anew
end do
JacobiP(:) = pl(n+1,:)
end function JacobiP