grid Module

Module that defines the variables used to set up a grid for self-force calculations. This also includes an initialization routine.


  • module~~grid~~UsesGraph module~grid grid module~element element module~grid->module~element module~grid_function grid_function module~grid->module~grid_function module~kinds kinds module~grid->module~kinds module~element->module~kinds module~grid_function->module~element module~grid_function->module~kinds

Used by

  • module~~grid~~UsedByGraph module~grid grid proc~output_coords output_coords proc~output_coords->module~grid module~grid_implementation grid_implementation module~grid_implementation->module~grid program~test test program~test->module~grid proc~read_all_modes read_all_modes proc~read_all_modes->module~grid proc~scal_schw_rhs scal_schw_rhs proc~scal_schw_rhs->module~grid proc~scal_schw_init scal_schw_init proc~scal_schw_init->module~grid proc~scal_schw_load_globals scal_schw_load_globals proc~scal_schw_load_globals->module~grid proc~tdc_set_coefficients tdc_set_coefficients proc~tdc_set_coefficients->module~grid proc~sobs_init sobs_init proc~sobs_init->module~grid proc~get_elem_flux get_elem_flux proc~get_elem_flux->module~grid



TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
real(kind=wp), public :: rho_min

The minimal coordinate point on the grid. With hyperboloidal coordinates this is the location of the horizon. Gets initialized to the value of the parameter Sminus.

real(kind=wp), public :: rho_max

The maximal coordinate point on the grid. With hyperboloidal coordinates this is the location of scri+. Gets initialized so that the particle location is the center of the grid.

real(kind=wp), public :: rho_particle

The coordinate location of the center of the grid. When a particle is used it gets initialized to the tortoise coordinate location of the midpoint of the orbit. When a particle is not used it gets initialized to the value of the parameter r_center converted to tortoise coordinates.

real(kind=wp), public :: Tminus

The tortoise coordinate location of the inner boundary of the region where time dependent coordinates are used.

real(kind=wp), public :: Tplus

The tortoise coordinate location of the outer boundary of the region where time dependent coordinates are used.

real(kind=wp), public :: delta_rho_min

The smalles coordinate distance between any two DG nodes on the grid.

type(rgf), public :: rho

A real grid function containing the computational coordinate, .

type(rgf), public :: drhodr

A real grid function containing where is the node coordinates in the reference element ().

type(rgf), public :: drdrho

A real grid function containing .

integer(kind=ip), public, dimension(2):: Tminus_ind

A size 2 integer array containing the element indices of the two elements that border the lower boundery of the time dependent coordinate region.

integer(kind=ip), public, dimension(2):: Tplus_ind

A size 2 integer array containing the element indices of the two elements that border the upper boundery of the time dependent coordinate region.

integer(kind=ip), public, dimension(2):: particle_element

A size 2 integer array containing the element indices of the two elements that has the particle on their boundary.

integer(kind=ip), public, dimension(2):: particle_node

A size 2 integer array contining the node indeces of the particle location in the two elements that contain the particle.



  • public module subroutine init_grid_coordinates(relem)

    The routine that initializes the variables describing the grid.

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    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    type(ref_element), intent(in) :: relem

    The reference element of the DG elements that is the building block for grid functions.