
Nick Cogan, Florida State University
Using Computations to Study Biological Processes

There is a long history of using mathematical models to provide insight into biological processes. As more details become available for specific biological applications, such as bacterial biofilms, the models become increasingly complicated -encouraging the use of computational methods. In many ways the mathematical treatment of biological processes has been expanded, supported by, and in some sense led by, numerical studies. In this talk, I will discuss several applications where numerical/computational methods are brought to bear on specific aspects of the scientific problem. These include extending our understanding of the model beyond the linear regime, providing transparency in the model predictions, and efficient sampling techniques to study the propagation of uncertainty through the model and parameter sensitivities.

James Nagy, Emory University
SVD Approximations for Large Scale Imaging Problems

A fundamental tool for analyzing and solving ill-posed inverse problems is the singular value decomposition (SVD). However, in imaging applications the matrices are often too large to be able to efficiently compute the SVD. In this talk we present a general approach to describe how an approximate SVD can be used to efficiently compute approximate solutions for large-scale ill-posed problems, which can then be used either as an initial guess in a nonlinear iterative scheme, or as a preconditioner for linear iterative methods. We show more specifically how to efficiently compute the an SVD approximation for certain applications in image processing.

Carol Woodward, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
A Reconsideration of Fixed Point Methods for Nonlinear Systems

Newton-Krylov methods have proven to be very effective for solution of large-scale, nonlinear systems of equations resulting from discretizations of PDEs. However, increasing complexities and newer models are giving rise to nonlinear systems with characteristics that challenge this commonly used method. In particular, for many problems, Jacobian information may not be available or it may be too costly to compute. Moreover, linear system solves required to update the linear model within each Newton iteration may be too costly on newer machine architectures.

Fixed point iteration methods have not been as commonly used for PDE systems due to their slow convergence rate. However, these methods do not require Jacobian information nor do they require a linear system solve. In addition, recent work has employed Anderson acceleration as a way to speed up fixed point iterations.

In this presentation, we will discuss reasons for success of Newton’s method as well as its weaknesses. Fixed point and Anderson acceleration will be presented along with a summary of known convergence results for this accelerated method. Results will show benefits from this method for a number of applications. In addition, the impacts of these methods will be discussed for large-scale problems on next generation architectures.

This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. LLNL-ABS-663073.