
Friday, March 22, 2013
11:00am until 5:00pm
338 Johnston Hall
;  LSU Campus

This is a hands-on learning session for anyone looking to build a game for Windows 8. We'll be using Scirra's Construct 2 game development engine. This is a tool that anyone can use, whether or not you're a programmer. We will also take a look at using GameSalad, CreateJS, and Unity to drive easy game development among students.

Windows 8 sold 60 MILLION copies in 60 days and that number is still skyrocketing. More importantly, the Windows store is new so there’s little competition and lots of money to be made. Some developers have reported as high as $30,000.00 in a single month! Get your games in the store by 4/11/2013 and we’ll give you $100 per app just for becoming a new publisher! (up to 5)

What do I need to bring?

A basic understanding of computer programming is strongly recommended (though the tools are awesome even for beginners).

You’ll need a computer with Windows 8 already installed (in a Virtual Machine is OK too). If your school participates in DreamSpark Premium you can get Windows 8 at no cost. This article walks you through getting Windows 8 from your school and installing it: http://bit.ly/win8students

Once you have Windows 8 installed you’ll need to install Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 8. This tool is free for everyone and you can get here: http://bit.ly/vs2012jb

Finally, every student with a DreamSpark account can create their Windows Phone and Windows 8 store accounts for FREE too: http://bit.ly/winstudentstore

Where do I sign up?

You can sign up for the event on the Facebook page here: http://bit.ly/win8gamelsu

FREE to LSU faculty, staff and students. For more questions, contact Kathy Traxler at ktraxler (at) cct.lsu.edu