
July 18-22, 2016

Camp Locations: Baton Rouge Community College and Louisiana State University

*Registration Closed**--email kjones@lsu.edu if you want to be notified next year when registration opens.

Energy Venture Camp is designed for students to learn about careers in energy while having fun. Students will:

  • Perform many hands-on experiments to explore the entire process of energy development; from how oil and natural gas are formed to the ways various types of energy are used.
  • Build a generator, a motor, a car, a windmill, a solar house and a robot!!
  • Learn how to do basic programming and simulations.
  • Perform simple labs to learn about photosynthesis, distillation, catalysts, pressure, temperature, density, fracking, combustion, how an engine works, and super conductors.
  • Talk to experts about emerging technologies.
  • Learn how energy shapes our world and talk to professionals about careers in energy.
  • Have a unique hands-on experience at the LSU Petroleum and Chemical Engineering labs, the LSU Center for Computation & Technology, and the BRCC PTEC lab.
  • Field trips, prizes and more!  View last year's video by clicking here.

Who:  For rising highschool students and STEM teachers. Teachers will receive CEU's for the days they attend the camp. Please talk to camp organizers for more details.

Date/Times of the Camp:
    •    Monday - Thursday, July 18-21, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM (4:30-5:00 PM pickup)
    •    Friday, July 22, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
    •    Friday, July 22- Student Presentations, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Parents invited!!!)

Registration:  $100 registration fee for students/ $0 for teachers.  Snacks, drinks and lunch provided daily.  Students accepted for the camp will be notified by the end of May.  Limited seating available. *Registration Closed**--email kjones@lsu.edu if you want to be notified next year when registration opens.

2016 Instructions and Schedule:

Energy Venture Camp Instructions 2016
Energy Venture Camp Schedule 2016


Forms for Campers:

Shell Child General Waiver and Release of Liability 2016
Universal Medical Insurance 2016
Universal Waiver of Liability 2016

Video: (2.22 min).

If this is your second or third year attending the camp and you would like to be a camp leader, please email us before registering at jeannettepthompson@gmail.com. Camp leaders will meet for 3 selected days prior to the camp for training.

Taught By: Jeannette Thompson and Richard Hansen, teachers at Dunham School and Catholic High School.  For more information contact  Jeannettepthompson@gmail.com.

Article About Energy Venture Camp: Energizing Students for STEM

2016 Camp Article




