sing_observer Derived Type

type, public, extends(observer) :: sing_observer


type~~sing_observer~~InheritsGraph type~sing_observer sing_observer type~observer observer type~sing_observer->type~observer type~eff_source eff_source type~sing_observer->type~eff_source p type~cgf cgf type~eff_source->type~cgf source type~gf gf type~cgf->type~gf type~element_cdata element_cdata type~cgf->type~element_cdata elems type~element_data element_data type~element_cdata->type~element_data


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
integer(kind=ip), public :: nradii

The number of radii the observer should observe at.

integer(kind=ip), public :: ioo_id

The file unit number this observer should use for output.

character(len=:), public, allocatable:: vname

The name of the observer.

real(kind=wp), public, dimension(:), allocatable:: radii

A 1d-array containing the radii that the observer should observe at. On allocation the size is nradii.

integer(kind=ip), public, dimension(:), allocatable:: elem_index

A 1d-array containing the index of all the elements that contains radii.

integer(kind=ip), public, dimension(:), allocatable:: node_index

A 1d-array containing the node index within all the elements that contains radii.

integer(kind=ip), public :: nl
real(kind=wp), public, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: psi
real(kind=wp), public, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: dpsidt
real(kind=wp), public, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: dpsidr
class(eff_source), public, pointer:: p

Finalization Procedures

final :: close_sing_observer

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: init => sobs_init

  • interface

    public module subroutine sobs_init(this, rad, coord, object)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(sing_observer), intent(inout) :: this
    real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:):: rad
    type(rgf), intent(in) :: coord
    class(*), intent(in), target:: object

procedure, public :: extract => sobs_extract

  • interface

    public module subroutine sobs_extract(this)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(sing_observer), intent(inout) :: this

procedure, public :: output => sobs_output

  • interface

    public module subroutine sobs_output(this)


    Type IntentOptional AttributesName
    class(sing_observer), intent(inout) :: this

Source Code

  type, extends(observer) :: sing_observer
    integer(ip) :: nl
    real(wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: psi
    real(wp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: dpsidt, dpsidr
    class(eff_source), pointer :: p
    procedure :: init => sobs_init
    procedure :: extract => sobs_extract
    procedure :: output => sobs_output
    final :: close_sing_observer
  end type sing_observer