cgf_pointer Derived Type

type, public, extends(gf_pointer) :: cgf_pointer

A complex data type instance of a pointer to a grid function class.


type~~cgf_pointer~~InheritsGraph type~cgf_pointer cgf_pointer type~gf_pointer gf_pointer type~cgf_pointer->type~gf_pointer type~cgf cgf type~cgf_pointer->type~cgf p type~gf gf type~cgf->type~gf type~element_cdata element_cdata type~cgf->type~element_cdata elems type~element_data element_data type~element_cdata->type~element_data

Inherited by

type~~cgf_pointer~~InheritedByGraph type~cgf_pointer cgf_pointer type~cpde_equation cpde_equation type~cpde_equation->type~cgf_pointer data_pointer type~scal_schw scal_schw type~scal_schw->type~cpde_equation type~sf_observer sf_observer type~sf_observer->type~scal_schw p


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
class(cgf), public, pointer:: p

The pointer to a complex grid function.

Source Code

  type, extends(gf_pointer) :: cgf_pointer
  !! A complex data type instance of a pointer to a grid function class.
    class(cgf), pointer :: p
    !! The pointer to a complex grid function.
  end type cgf_pointer