Frank Löffler in Pictures

My research highlighted as part of CCT's homepage slideshow and on in-house screens.
Remnant of a binary neutron star system: after merger the mass of the remaining star is too high and it collapses to a black hole, leaving a fast-rotating low-density disk around the black hole. Credit: Scientific evolution and visualization by Frank Löffler, background image by Todd Vance. License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic
I am mentor of the high-school robotics team "Panthrobotics" (FRC 3337), helping them especially with programming their ~100lb built-from-scratch robot. This shows (almost) all of the team with this year's robot (2017). Read more about the team getting to go to the world championship in 2015 here.
I am mentor of the high-school robotics team "Panthrobotics" (FRC 3337), helping them especially with programming their ~100lb built-from-scratch robot. This shows a part of the team discussing what to build for the next six weeks for the challenge they just received.
I am mentor of the high-school robotics team "Panthrobotics" (FRC 3337), helping them especially with programming their ~100lb built-from-scratch robot. Programming at the build site looks like programming anywhere else, but note the drive-train prototype on the table.
I am mentor of the high-school robotics team "Panthrobotics" (FRC 3337), helping them especially with programming their ~100lb built-from-scratch robot. This is at my last event with the team, the Beach Bot Battle in Gulfport, Mississippi. Seen here is the preview of the finals (3vs3 teams), and our robot ran great!
I am mentor of the high-school robotics team "Panthrobotics" (FRC 3337), helping them especially with programming their ~100lb built-from-scratch robot. Final touches on the climbing mechanism before our matches at the Beach Bot Battle in Gulfport, Mississippi.
Wooden-board breaking at Karate testing. I am now third dan (third degree black belt) and certified instructor in Tang-Soo-Do Karate, under grandmaster Randall Chontas in Baton Rouge.