Course: Math 4997-3 Parallel computational mathematics

General information

Welcome to an exciting semester about accerlerated C++ for computational mathematics. Classes meet

Tuesday and Thursday, 09:00 to 10:20, 0128 Allen Hall

and I hope you are able to attend. I will try to be available for discussion after classes, so you can get the most out of the class.

Please find additional information here:

Office hours

The office hours will be every Tuesday 11:00 to 12:00 at the Center of Computation & Technology. The room will be annoucned atthe first week of the course.

C-I Certification

Note that this is a certified Communication-Intensive (C-I) course which meets all of the requirements set forth by LSU’s Communication across the Curriculum program. For more details please have a look at this handout.


Note that the materials are from the last fall semester and will be updated before the semester. There are just there for you to get some overview of the course’s content.



Course notes

Last semester, I developed course notes to provide extended details to the lecture slides. Note that this document will develop over this semseter semster again.

Example code

Note that all source code shown in the lecture slides and the course book are available here. I recommend to downlod them and play around with the code to gain a better understanding of C++ code.

Course materials

This course is a open material course and the lecture slides, the exercises, and the course notes are available as LaTeX sources on Github. I would appreciate if you see some improvements or mistake in the material, to do a pull request, and help to improve the course material.


As a course project, we will implement bond-based peridyanmics (PD). We will cover the basic equations brielfy in lecture 8 and the template code is available here.
