PNG image of Steve Brandt

Steven R. Brandt


Ten Random Passwords

Inspired by an xkcd comic, I wrote this random password generator. It goes a little farther in trying to make things memorable by constructing a random sentence using the pattern [noun] [verb] [number] [adjective] [noun] [punctuation].

I include the number and punctuation for the sake of systems that require numeric and special characters. You can always not use them.

  1. GrassesStoop8FanaticsBuffet.
  2. DeathSnarled6ClosedButton!
  3. PortBabbling9TangledTales!
  4. StairsAiled2StunningWhatever.
  5. PlantingObtained9AbsurdlyTome!
  6. FateRefuse9DefiniteAhab?
  7. CoreSells6MysticalTraveler?
  8. MountSoil4AbstractBurgundy?
  9. DuoTasted0NimblySoda?
  10. GrandeurEvacuate4SocialHell?
bits of entropy=52
The source code is here.