The National Science Foundation is again asking for your input on the next NSF Strategic Plan. Last December, they asked for your thoughts on the current plan and the changing environment for science and engineering (S&E) research and education. That input together with comments from NSF staff, our Advisory Committees, and the National Science Board (NSB) led to development of the draft plan (see www.nsf.gov/about/performance/nsfplandraft.pdf) now available for review by the public at large and the communities NSF serves. The draft FY 2006-2011 Strategic Plan communicates NSFs vision, goals, objectives, priorities and strategies over this time period. Your comments are requested by July 17, 2006 through the NSF website at www.nsf.gov/about/performance/input.cfm or by e-mail to strategicplaninput@nsf.gov. In particular, NSF requests comments on the following questions to assist us in finalizing the new plan: - What are the strengths and weaknesses of the draft plan? - Does NSFs draft Strategic Plan effectively communicate NSFs investments and priorities in supporting the S&E community? If not, what is lacking and specifically how can it be improved? After review in August by the NSB and the Office of Management and Budget, the final version of the Strategic Plan will be sent to Congress and posted on the NSF website by September 30, 2006. Your comments are requested by July 17, 2006 through the website at www.nsf.gov/about/performance/input.cfm or by e-mail to strategicplaninput@nsf.gov.
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