
(Source:  Filmmaker's Notebook)

Animation continues to grow and gain traction with filmgoers, so it’s no surprise that the Red Stick International Animation Festival has become increasingly popular during its six years.  John Donovan and I had the pleasure of learning more about this event from Director Stacey Simmons, who told us that the festival started as a way of promoting the super computing center located at Louisiana State University.  Stacey, who comes from an entertainment background, wanted to help people connect technology with art and film.  She said that although Disney & Dreamworks are known as All American Animation companies, there is no great festival located in the U.S.  The biggest ones are in Europe, Asia and Canada, but Red Stick is hoping to change this with the assistance of the animation community.  To find out the 10 Animation categories in the festival and what they have planned in the future, listen to our podcast with Stacey.  For additional info including dates and submission info visit their website at www.redstickfestival.org.

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