
(Source:  Open Grid Forum)

OGF is pleased to announce the appointment of Dan Katz and Wolfgang Ziegler as Area Directors in the Applications area of the Standards function.

Alan Sill, OGF's VP of Standards, welcomed Dan and Wolfgang saying, "I am delighted to have Dan and Wolfgang join the extremely qualified suite of people we have serving as Area Directors for OGF. Their experience and insight, extensive contact with the community and knowledge of current cyberinfrastructure trends will help us shape the directions for OGF in the area of Applications and provide a foundation for further substantial developments in the future."

Area Directors help oversee and shepherd working groups in their formation through achievement of milestones and deliverables, and thus are a very important part of OGF's open standards development process.

Biographical information: Daniel S. Katz is the Teragrid GIG Director of Science, and a Senior Fellow in the Computation Institute (CI) at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. He is also an affiliate faculty member at the Center for Computation and Technology (CCT), Louisiana State University (LSU), where he was previously Director for Cyberinfrastructure Development from 2006 to 2009, and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at LSU.
Full Bio for Dan Katz

Wolfgang Ziegler is head of the Grid and Cloud Middleware Research Group of the Bioinformatics department of the Fraunhofer Institute SCAI with more than 20 years experience in distributed computing and a long record in Grid R&D. He has been active in the US Grid Forum and later the Open Grid Forum since 1999. He is a co-chair of the Open Grid Forum's Grid Resource Allocation Agreement Protocol Working Group responsible for the WS-Agreement specification. He had and has a leading role in a number of European and German projects, e.g. CoreGRID, PHOSPHORUS, IVOM, SLA4D-Grid, DGSI. He was the scientific co-ordinator of the European SmartLM project that has developed a prototype for Grid and Cloud software licensing. Currently he is a work package leader in the European OPTIMIS project focussing on Cloud service optimisation. He is leading the development of elasticLM, a commercial solution for software licensing and license management in Grids and Clouds.
Full Bio for Wolfgang Ziegler

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