
A group of eight students from the LSU School of Music and LSU School of art created an original music video using resources of the John Lennon Bus, a mobile audiovisual recording studio.

The bus travels across the United States and Canada to visit high schools, universities and nonprofit organizations. The LSU Center for Computation & Technology, in partnership with the Arts, Visualization, Advanced Technologies and Research, or AVATAR, Initiative in digital media, hosted the bus at LSU June 4 and 5, 2009. 

The bus was open to the University and the general public on Thursday, June 4. On Friday, June 5, the student group used the bus to produce their original digital media piece, collaborating with the artists on board. 

 Click here to see the LSU project. For more information on the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, visit http://www.lennonbus.org .

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