
Baton Rouge --- Various researchers from LSU’s Center for Computation & Technology, or CCT, will present University research enabled through high-performance computing systems, high-speed networking, advanced software and innovative computational applications during the annual Supercomputing Conference, Nov. 13-19 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

CCT will host a booth during the exhibition portion of the conference, Nov. 15-18, that will feature different research projects that have been conducted through supercomputing, across different areas at LSU.  Topics include: coastal modeling, PetaShare data storage, scientific visualization, video game course, multi-touch technology and research, robotics lab, materials science research, thermal energy studies, HPC course, media interaction lab/library, digital media research, Exascale point design study and systems science and engineering.


The booth (#3613) has a digital screen and video-on-demand setup to show short movies of LSU research conducted through high-performance computing. One of the areas featured in the booth is CCT’s response research on the Gulf of Mexico’s Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig Explosion which includes modeling, data storage, high-speed, high-bandwidth networking connections provided by LONI, and cyberinfrastructure.


Supercomputing 2010, is the premier international conference on high-performance computing and its related tools, technologies and applications. CCT will be distributing information electronically and displaying posters that describe major research projects CCT faculty led in the past year.  LSU students will be onsite to present their summer research posters on Wednesday, Nov. 17 from 1-3:00 pm.  In addition, a live demo will be presented by Seung-Jong Park titled “(CRON) Cyberinfrastructure for Reconfigurable Optical Networks) on Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 11:00 am. 

The booth also will feature information on the Louisiana Optical Network Initiative, or LONI, a state-of-the-art, fiber optics network that runs throughout Louisiana, and connects Louisiana and Mississippi research universities to one another. LONI allows enhanced collaboration on research projects in order to produce faster and more accurate results.  

In addition, LSU CCT faculty and staff will contribute to several workshops during SC10.  Dan Katz is a co-organizer of the workshop titled "Early Adopters PhD Workshop 2010" on Monday, Nov. 15, 2:30pm. Jim Lupo will moderate a workforce development panel titled “Developing Support, Engineering and Research Staff” which will include panelists Thomas Sterling, Ed Seidel, Dan Katz and Laurie Rea on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2:00 pm. Isaac and Kathy Traxler will also be part of a panel to discuss workforce development titled “Recruiting and Training HPC Systems Administrators and Engineers” on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 3:30 pm. 

CCT continues its involvement in the planning of SC by filling important committee roles.  This year’s 2010 LSU CCT committee members are:  Gabrielle Allen and Tevfik Kosar, Technical Committee; Bety Rodriguez-Milla and Kathy Traxler (co-chair), Student Volunteer Committee; Kathy Traxler, Teacher’s Day and Field Trip Education Committee; and LONI and LSU ITS members; SCinet Team.

“Supercomputing Conference not only highlights the innovative research taking place at LSU, it gives us an opportunity to collaborate with top computational scientists from around the world and learn new ways to apply emerging technologies and software to solve real-world problems in everything from biology and physics to music and the arts,” said CCT Interim Director Stephen David Beck. 

For a complete overview of CCT's planned activities at SC 2010, please visit the SC 2010 Schedule

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