BATON ROUGE --- CCT Director Ed Seidel, Ph.D., will accept the Sidney Fernbach Award on Wednesday, Nov. 15, during Supercomputing Conference 2006 in Tampa, Fla. A live feed of the event showing Seidel’s acceptance speech and guest lecture will be shown at the CCT Training Room, 338 Johnston Hall on the LSU campus, from 8:15 a.m. until 9 a.m. Central Standard Time. Media and members of the public are invited to attend. The Fernbach Award is an international honor that recognizes career achievements in using high-performance computer technology to solve problems in other academic fields. Seidel was awarded for his work to develop high-performance computing software to solve Albert Einstein’s numerical relativity equations. Seidel’s work in this area focuses on studying black hole collisions to prove and document the existence of gravitational waves in the universe. WHAT: Ed Seidel, CCT director, awarded Sidney Fernbach Award Live video feed for press & public WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 15 8:15 a.m. until 9 a.m. WHERE: CCT Training Room 338 Johnston Hall, LSU campus
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