
CCT Weekly, October 25, 2011

RED STICK International Animation Festival -- CALLING ALL ENTRIES!

The Red Stick International Animation Festival is seeking work from students, amateurs, and professionals to consider for the 2012 "Best of the Fest" competition.  The festival will take place June 4-10, 2012, in downtown Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  

The Red Stick International Animation Festival submission categories are:
¥    Animated Short Film - Professional
¥    Animated Short Film - Student
¥    Music Video
¥    Experimental Animation & Visual Music
¥    Scientific Visualization

Submissions will be accepted until January 6, 2012. The top entry in each category will receive a Red Baton award and $1000.00 cash prize, and the best overall festival entry will receive the prestigious Baton D'Or award and $1000.00 cash prize.

Animations should be no longer than nine minutes, and the work must have been created within the past three years. The festival accepts animated films of any style or genre. Participants must submit work on DVD or Blue-Ray Disks as media or data (format in NTSC, PAL, HD 720 and HD 1080 only). A $25 entry fee per film will apply.

To submit your entry or for further details, visit: http://www.redstickfestival.org/competition/submissions/.

The “Best of the Fest” competition is an annual part of Red Stick festival events, and Red Stick jurists choose the top work in each category, announcing winners on-site during the festival. Top Best of the Fest entries will be screened throughout Red Stick for audiences to enjoy.

For more information on the Red Stick "Best of the Fest" competition, please contact the festival submission office at �1-225-578-5433 or visit www.redstickfestival.org.

Red Stick International Animation Festival
E-mail: rsiaf@cct.lsu.edu
Web site: www.redstickfestival.org
Twitter @ RedStickFest


Lectures this week:

There will be a Computational Mathematics Seminar Series lecture on “Plasmonics for Controlling Light at the Nanoscale: Cavity and Slow-Light Enhanced Devices, and the Effect of Disorder” by Georgios Veronis, LSU. The lecture will take place Tuesday, October 25 at 3:00 pm in 338 Johnston Hall.

Please Note:

•    CCT invites faculty, staff, students and special guests to its 10th Year Celebration of the center's successful growth from its birth as "LSU CAPITAL" to a vibrant center for interdisciplinary computational research, training, and economic development. The celebration is October 26, 2011 (8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.) at the LSU Energy, Coast & Environment Building Rotunda Auditorium and Lobby. For more information, visit http://www.cct.lsu.edu/10yr.

•    The 2011 ACM ICPC South Central USA Regional Programming Contest is now accepting team entries for the October 28 and 29th event.  The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) provides college students with opportunities to interact with students from other universities and to sharpen and demonstrate their problem-solving, programming, and teamwork skills.  The contest provides a platform for ACM, industry, and academia to encourage and focus public attention on the next generation of computing professionals as they pursue excellence.  The contest is a two-tiered competition among teams of students representing institutions of higher education. Teams first compete in regional contests held around the world from September to November each year. The winning team from each regional contest qualifies to advance to the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals, typically held the following March to mid-April. Additional high-ranking teams may be invited to the World Finals as wild card teams. Fees are $175.00 per team. Registration fees are for a team of three members and one coach. Guests and alternates are an additional $30 each.  (See complete registration rules at:  http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/regionals/About.htm ). The South Central USA Regionals will take place on October 28 and 29th at
o    Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
o    Baylor University, Waco, Texas
o    La Tourneau University, Longview, Texas
o    East Central University, Ada, Oklahoma 
For more information, or to register a team, visit: http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/regionals/.

•    Submissions for the 2012 Red Stick International Animation Festival are now being accepted thru January 6th. Visit http://www.redstickfestival.org/competition/submissions/ for details.

•    TRIPLE EX (Excite, Explore, Experiment) - 3rd Annual Conference for Undergraduate Research, November 4, 2011 (8:00AM - 4:00 PM), LSU Union Cotillion Ballroom. The LSU Office of Strategic Initiatives and The Cain Center are sponsoring a Conference for Undergraduate Student Research. Submissions are open until October 3rd for posters and oral presentations. For more information, visit http://www.i3.lsu.edu/tripleex

•    Louisiana EPSCoR is hosting the greatly anticipated National Science Foundation workshop, Science: Becoming the Messenger, on November 17, 2011, at the Baton Rouge Marriott. The 1-day workshop provides targeted communications training to Researchers, Faculty & Postdocs, Students, Public Relations Officers and Communicators. The NSF’s Office of Legislative and Public Affairs has assembled a team of nationally renowned communicators to provide this training. Participants will learn how to craft a message and communicate with a variety of audiences, explore new media, pick up live camera interview skills and more. There is no registration fee to attend but pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, visit http://www.nsf.gov/events/event_summ.jsp?cntn_id=121922&org=NSF

•    Post Your Part-time Jobs for FREE through Careers2Geaux:  Now that school is back in session, our students looking for part-time jobs.  Through Careers2Geaux, you may post any position type, including your part-time opportunities, for FREE!  This system is password-protected and available to LSU students, faculty, staff, and registered alumni 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To list your position(s) in Careers2Geaux, click the Careers2Geaux link https://lsu-csm.symplicity.com/employers and follow the instructions for creating an account. Once you enter the information for your position, the status of your posting will remain “pending” until reviewed by a staff member. Open positions are posted for 45 days. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Caillouet, Administrative Coordinator, at 225-578-2162 or email at amyc@lsu.edu.

•    Prior approval is required for Special Meal Requests. Employees who make meal purchases without prior approvals may find that they must cover the cost of any monies spent for an unapproved event out of pocket. Dine-in restaurant meals are not allowed on LaCarte credit cards. Please contact Susie McGlone (susie@cct.lsu.edu) prior to any special meal with visitor(s) to file the appropriate request for approval. Prior approval could take up to two weeks, so please plan accordingly.

•    Please remember to send your news concerning grants, awards, conferences, or other pertinent information to CCT Event Coordinator Jennifer Fontenot at jennifer@cct.lsu.edu

•    Follow CCT with social media to access photos and see news, events or updated information. These pages are public; you do not need an account to view the information.  
o    Facebook group : LSU Center for Computation & Technology
o    Twitter :  LSUCCT
o    YouTube channel : LSUCCT

Interest groups:
•    MAG (Mobile App-Art-Action Group): Everyone interested in the potential for Mobile Apps is invited to come and add their vision for these revolutionary devices. Meetings are schedule November 2nd and December 7th, 5:00-6:00 pm. For more information, visit http://www.cct.lsu.edu/site.php?pageID=63&newsID=1402. Contact:  Jesse Allison (jtallison@lsu.edu)

•    GPU:  meets weekly (Wednesdays @ 2:30 pm in 338 Johnston) and encourages participation from anyone who would like to join in the discussions. Join the mailing list:  lasigma-gpu@loni.org. Contact:  Bhupender Thakur (bthakur@cct.lsu.edu)


Upcoming events:
October 24-25:  Electronic Arts Recruitment @ LSU
October 26:  CCT’s 10th Year Celebration
October 26:  Training: Bash Scripting Tutorial
October 28-29:  ACM ICPC South Central USA Regional Programming Contest
Thru November 1:  Symposium on Laptop Ensembles & Orchestras accepting entries
November 2:  Training: Make Tutorial
November 10:  Red Stick Animation Festival Fall Retrospective
November 12-18:  SC11
Thru January 6, 2012:  Red Stick International Animation Festival “Best of the Fest” accepting entries

Upcoming Grant Deadlines:

Note: Please check the CCT deadline Web site, since it is updated daily.

Sustainability Research Networks Competition (SRN)

December 1, 2011 10:00 am
At Most $ 12,000,000.00 available

Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation (SI2) Scientific Software Innovation Institutes (S2I2)
December 14, 2011 10:00 am
At least $500,000.00 available



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