Digital Media Education Forum Adds Disney, Tiburon Speakers
Event to take place at Cook Conference Center Nov. 1&2
The LSU Digital Media Education Forum will feature Dawn Rivera-Ernster, a talent development director at Walt Disney Feature Animation, and Philip Holt, Vice President and Studio General Manager for Electronic Arts – Tiburon as speakers.
LSU will host the two-day Digital Media Education Forum Nov. 1 and 2 at the Lod Cook Conference Center. The Digital Media Education Forum will feature speakers from academic institutions that have successfully implemented digital media curricula, as well as industry representatives who can discuss the skills students from these programs would need to enter the workforce.
In addition to Rivera-Ernster and Holt, other speakers include:
• Raquel Benitez, Comet Entertainment, Inc.
• Susan Gold, GarageGames and the International Game Developer’s Association
• Dan Kelly, Sparter, and formerly THQ Games
• Jason Leigh, Electronic Visualization Laboratory at University of Illinois - Chicago
• Hans Rijepkema, Rhythm & Hues Studios
• Barbara Slade, Walt Disney Development, United Kingdom
• Barry Weiss, Sony Imageworks
• Chris Williams, University of Teesside, Animex International Festival of Animation and Computer Games
Registration fee is $125, with a discounted $55 registration fee for LSU employees. To register or learn more, please visit
Digital Media Education Forum is sponsored by the LSU Center for Computation & Technology, LSU Office of Research and Economic Development and the Baton Rouge Area Digital Industries Consortium.
For more information, please contact Stacey Simmons or Amanda Liddell at the Baton Rouge Area Digital Industries Consortium,225-389-7182, or
Upcoming Lectures:
• Valentina Salapura of the IBM T.J. Wastson Research Center, will be speaking as a part of the Colloquium Series on “A next generation supercomputer based on an innovative massively parallel system architecture.” The lecture will take place October 26 at 2:00 in 338 Johnston.
• Dr. Qiang Du of Pennsylvania State University will be speaking on “Phase Field Models and Simulations of Some Interface Problems,” as part of the Frontiers of Scientific Computing Lecture Series. The lecture will take place Nov. 5 at 3:00 in Johnston 338.
• Important: The CCT Colloquium Series has returned and will take place each Friday at 2 p.m. in Johnston 338. Last year, these lectures took place at 3 p.m., but the time has changed to accommodate other meetings. Shantenu Jha is in charge of the speaker line-up. If you have a speaker wish list or concerns with the lecture time change, please send it to Shantenu at
Please Note:
• The next All CCT meeting will be Oct. 31 at 3pm in Johnston 338.
• Firefly Digital will host a Web training session this Wednesday, Oct. 24 from 9:30 until 12:30 in Johnston 338. People who will be frequently updating portions of the Web site should attend this training. Please let Kristen Sunde know by then end of the day today if you plan to attend this training session. If you cannot attend the training but need Web instruction to do updates, please let her know.
• Astrid Merger, the new Provost, will be visiting from 11:00-1:00 on October 24. Merger will be touring the CCT facility, so please be prepared for possible visitations to offices. It is important to make a good impression and show the Provost we are a functioning interdisciplinary research environment.
• Web site training for CCT users will take place Wednesday, Oct. 24 from 9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Between Oct. 15 and 24, please send any update requests for your portion of the site on the Webmaster e-mail. Once the training is complete, people who currently have administrative duties for the Web site will continue being about to update the site on their own.
• If you have any news for the CCT Weekly, please e-mail PR Manager Kristen Sunde directly at
Upcoming Grant Deadlines:
Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
November 01 5:00 am
NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology
November 5 5:00 pm
NSF Expeditions in Computing
November 5 5:00 pm