
CCT Weekly -- Nov. 9-15, 2008

LSU Student Selected to Participate in Google’s Summer of Code 2008
While many LSU students spent their summer vacations relaxing, taking exotic trips or catching up with summer school, LSU computer science student Michael Miceli spent Summer 2008 participating in the Google Summer of Code.

Pats on the Back:

•    Professor Thomas Sterling will again teach his “High-Performance Computing: Models, Methods and Means” course in the Spring 2009 semester, using the newly refurbished Coates 202 teleconference classroom. Sterling pioneered this teaching method in the Spring 2007 semester after working with a team of researchers from the CCT, MCNC in North Carolina and Masaryk University in the Czech Republic to develop HD streaming and Access Grid applications for educational purposes. This course was the first of its kind in the United States when it premiered in January 2007, and his course was an inspiration for the University to dedicate a sole classroom to teleconferenced courses. The course will take place from 10:30-noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the spring semester.

CCT in the News:

Increasing Clouds
Source: HPC Wire
It seems hardly a week passes without some news of HPC being delivered as an on-demand service. That topic includes everything from in-house grids to commercial clouds, but it's the cloud element that's grabbing the attention of the supercomputing crowd.

 Upcoming Lectures:

•    Michael Parks of Sandia National Laboratories lecture as part of the Colloquium Series on “Towards Multiscale Materials Modeling with Peridynamics.”  The lecture will take place Friday, Nov. 14 at 11:30 a.m. in 338 Johnston.

•    Robert M. Kirby will speak as part of the Computational Mathematics Seminar Series on “Visualization of High Order Finite Element Methods” on Dec. 1 at 10:30 a.m. in Johnston 338. He also will deliver a special guest lecture on Dec.2 on “Building Symbiotic Relationships Between Formal Verification And High Performance Computing” at 2 p.m. in Johnston 338.

Workshop and Conference News:
•    SC08 is next week in Austin, TX. If you will attend, please check the participant wiki at https://wiki.cct.lsu.edu/sc-private/Participants for the latest information, and plan to attend the SC08 meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 3:30 p.m. (following the ALL CCT meeting.) The SC08 meeting is pertinent in that Jarek Nabrzyski, Steve Beck and Kristen Sunde will go over booth talking points and how to answer questions that might come up.

Please Note:

•    AVATAR and CCT will host a pizza party and film festival tonight to recruit SIGGRAPH 2009 student volunteers at 6 p.m. in 338 Johnston. Students who decide to volunteer will receive free admission to all parts of the conference and have the opportunity to experience SIGGRAPH while learning about the world of computer graphics, interactive systems and digital media.

•    The next All CCT Meeting will be this Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 3 p.m., followed by a 3:30 p.m. meeting for all those attending SC08. If you have announcements or news for the ALL CCT meeting, please send to Events Manager Karen Jones at kjones@cct.lsu.edu.

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