LSU to Host Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar for Distinguished Lecture Nov. 30
The LSU Center for Computation & Technology, or CCT, will host Cornell University Professor Daniel Huttenlocher as part of its distinguished lecture series on Friday, Nov. 30. The lecture will take place at 2 p.m. in the Life Science Annex, room A101.
Huttenlocher’s visit to LSU is part of the national Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Program.
Huttenlocher, the Neafsey Professor Of Computing, Information Science and Business at Cornell, will discuss what technologies such as blogs, wikis and networking Web sites indicate about social interaction and what implications these devices hold for future social behavior.
Huttenlocher, who holds 24 U.S. patents and has authored more than 60 technical papers, received the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1990 and was New York State Professor of the Year in 1993. Cornell honored him as a Weiss fellow in 1996 for excellence in teaching. In addition to his academic positions, Huttenlocher has worked in various technology industries.
Huttenlocher is one of 13 visiting scholars in the 2007-2008 Phi Beta Kappa program. Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest academic honor society, chooses at least 12 distinguished scholars each year to visit college campuses with Phi Beta Kappa chapters and meet with students, staff and faculty. Huttenlocher will visit with LSU’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa during his stay at LSU.
Upcoming Lectures:
- Elainie Lillios, Ph.D., a visiting artist/scholar, will give a talk on her recent work with Ambisonics, a spherical mode of encoding and decoding 3-dimensional sound. Lillios will lecture Wednesday, Nov. 28, from 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. in Johnston 338. She will discuss her recent research as well as her new composition she is creating in Ambisonics. Lillios is Associate Professor of Music at Bowling Green State University, and is visiting CCT as part of her sabbatical research.
- Daniel Huttenlocher of Cornell University will be speaking on “Computational Social Science: Large-Scale Studies of Wikis, Blogs, Social Networking Sites,” as a part of the CCT Distinguished Lecture series. The lecture will take place Nov. 30 in the Life Sciences Building Annex room A101 Auditorium at 2:00.
- Renato J. Figueiredo from the University of Florida will be lecturing on “Wide-area Overlays of Virtual Workstations (WOW): Simplifying Development of Distributed Systems Through Virtualization and Self-organization,” as a part of the Colloquium Series on Dec. 7 at 2:00 in Johnston 338.
- Shantenu Jha is in charge of the Colloquium speaker line-up. If you have a speaker wish list or concerns with the lecture time change, please send it to Shantenu at
Pats On The Back:
Congratulations to Dan Katz who will be the Program Co-Chair the 6th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA08), in Sydney, Australia 2008.
Please Note:
- Payment for the CCT Holiday lunch Monday, Dec. 3 at Mike Anderson’s is due Thursday, Nov. 28. Prices for a meal are $13.60 or $16.77 (if you want dessert.) Please turn all money into Debra Waters.
- The Staff Senate Scholarship Committee is hosting a Holiday Decorating Contest. The theme is “All We Want for the Holidays Is …” People and departments who wish to participate must fill out an entry form by Dec. 7, and judging will take place Dec. 13. Participants can make a $10 entry fee donation to the Staff Senate Education Fund. The judges will award first and second-place ribbons in four categories – doors, office entrances, tree and bulletin board. To enter or for more information, contact Robin Kistler, LSU Public Affairs, Lakeshore House.
- If you have any news for the CCT Weekly, please e-mail PR Manager Kristen Sunde directly at
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