LSU-Led Charter School Prepares for International Science Competitions
Students at the Abramson Science & Technology Charter School in New Orleans were one of only two schools in Louisiana and the only one in New Orleans to participate in the finals of an international science competition last May. This year, the students are preparing new science projects, hoping to compete in more science competitions and bring larger awards to the state.
Pats on the Back:
• LaCumba, LONI’s IBM P5 cluster at Southern University, is now open to users. LaCumba ( is one of the five LONI’s 14-node IBM Power5 clusters running the AIX operating systems. One node is used as head node while the other 13 nodes are serving as compute nodes.
Workshop/Conference News:
• The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering will have a coastal engineering seminar on Wednesday, Nov. 5 from 4:40 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Germano Lecture Room (2412 Patrick F. Taylor Hall.) The speaker will be Ty Wamsley, discussing “Potential of Wetlands to Reduce Storm Surge.”
• SC 08 - To ease in the process of finding drivers and passengers for the trip to Austin, please go to the wiki and enter one of the following statements in your Arriving and/or Departing block:
1.) Need Passengers
2.) Need Ride
3.) Car Full
4.) Riding with "last name of driver"
This should help everyone find rides or passengers based on dates of arrival, etc.
• There will be a mandatory meeting for all CCT faculty, staff and students who will attend SC 08 at 3:30 p.m. next Wednesday, Nov. 12, in Johnston 338. This meeting immediately follows the ALL CCT meeting. Attendance is pertinent, as Jarek Nabrzyski, Steve Beck and Kristen Sunde will review talking points to use during booth duty and discuss how to answer questions about the center that might come up during the conference.
Please Note:
• The next All CCT Meeting will be at 3 p.m. next Wednesday, Nov. 12, in Johnston 338, followed by a meeting for all those attending SC08. If you have announcements or news for the ALL CCT meetings, please send to Events Manager Karen Jones at