
CCT Weekly May 4, 2010

Louisiana Optical Network Initiative Provides High-Speed Network Access to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for Oil Spill Response

As teams from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, deploy to Louisiana and respond to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the Louisiana Optical Network Initiative, or LONI, is assisting their efforts by providing the NOAA team with access to high-speed networking connections.

Because there is no central NOAA office in Louisiana, the response teams would otherwise have to rely on low-bandwidth Internet connections available in hotels or on Wifi connections in public places to transfer data to NOAA’s main office in Washington, D.C.

This would be a long, slow process, especially since the NOAA teams must send large data files and coastal aerial imagery to coordinate response efforts at the federal level with on-site teams.

LONI, a high-speed, fiber optic network that connects supercomputing resources among six universities – LSU, Southern University, University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Louisiana Tech University, University of New Orleans and Tulane University, along with the two LSU health sciences centers in New Orleans and Shreveport, will provide NOAA with high-bandwidth network access so they can share and transfer data quickly.

The LONI staff at LSU and Tulane University worked last week to quickly provide network connections for NOAA staff arriving in New Orleans. These workers will use Tulane’s high-performance computing resources, which are housed on campus, to upload their data and send it directly to federal response coordinators in the nation’s capital.

Because LONI connects Louisiana’s network to the national Internet 2 high-speed network, data transfer will occur quickly, and federal teams will be able to respond faster than if relying on regular-speed network connections.

For more information on LONI, please visit http://www.loni.org.

Pats on the Back:
•    Susanne Brenner was a keynote speaker at the 6th Singular Dayson Asymptotic Methods for PDEs conference, which was held at the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics in Berlin, Germany, April 28 - May 1.

•    Susan Ryan, LSU College of Art & Design and CCT, received the Tiger Athletic Foundation President’s Award for teaching.

CCT in the News:

LSU Business Professor ranked among best in the world
Source: Business Report

Studies highly rank LSU researcher
Source: The Advocate

Please Note:
•    There will be a training Thursday, May 6 on “Profiling with TAU.” For more information or to register, please visit: http://www.hpc.lsu.edu//training.
•    Please note that the University has frozen all LaCarte spending, unless cardholders receive written approval for a purchase from Accounts Payable or Purchasing. If you have a purchase you wish to make that you feel may warrant an exemption to the spending freeze, please contact Theresa Markey or Andrew Cox in the CCT Business Office for guidance.

•    Early bird Registration and housing is now available for SIGGRAPH 2010, the premier conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques. Register now for five days of education, exploration, and inspiration at SIGGRAPH 2010 in Los Angeles, July 25-29 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.  Early registration discounts are available through June 4, 2010.

•    Applications for Student Volunteers for SC10 are now being accepted. The deadline to apply is Sunday, Aug. 27. Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to apply as volunteers to help with the administration of the conference. In exchange, students will receive complimentary conference registration, housing (for out-of-town volunteers) and some meals. Volunteers will be expected to be available for a total of 4-5 hours of work per day during the week of the conference, which will take place Nov. 13-19 in New Orleans. Successful applicants will be notified of their acceptance by Sept. 30. If you have any questions please e-mail student-vols@info.supercomputing.org.

•    Please remember to send your news concerning grants, awards, conferences, or other pertinent information to PR Manager Kristen Sunde at ksunde@cct.lsu.edu.

•    Follow CCT with social media to access photos and see news, events or updated information. Both these pages are public; you do not need an account to view the information.  

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Twitter :  LSUCCT

YouTube channel : LSUCCT

Upcoming Grant Deadlines:

Note: There are no deadlines scheduled at this time. Please check the CCT deadline Web site, since it is updated daily.

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