
CCT Weekly, March 1-9, 2009

CCT to Host Bob Johansen, Institute for the Future, for Lecture on March 4

Bob Johansen, an author and prominent social scientist with the Institute for the Future, an organization that has developed 10-year forecasts for some of the world’s top organizations since the 1960s, will give a lecture on new leadership skills today’s students and professionals will need to succeed in the coming decade.

Johansen’s lecture, “Leaders Make The Future: Ten New Leadership Skills For An Uncertain World,” will take place at LSU’s Life Sciences Annex, Room A101, at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 4. CCT will host this event. Johansen’s lecture is free and open to the public.

In his lecture, Johansen will discuss the future as a “VUCA world -- volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.” He will predict coming changes, what this means for future leaders, and what kinds of skills and techniques people can develop to thrive and accomplish their goals.

Johansen is a forecaster, predicting the effects of technology on society and predicting the future for three to 10 years out. He has worked with the Institute for the Future since 1973, where he specializes in exploring the impact of new and emerging technologies, as well as religion and its impact on people, industry and culture. Johansen created the Institute for the Future’s Technology Horizons Program, where he was one of the first social scientists to study computational science and communications technology’s effects on people. He has worked with clients from major corporations in many different industries.

Johansen has held numerous roles with the Institute for the Future, including serving as its president and CEO from 1996 to 2004. He currently is a member of the Institute for the Future’s Leadership Team and serves on the Board of Directors.

Johansen is the author and co-author of six books, and he is a frequent keynote speaker at events throughout the world. He also has taught graduate and undergraduate students. He earned a bachelor of science degree from University of Illinois, and a Ph.D. from Northwestern University. He also has a divinity degree in comparative religions from Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School.

Pats on the Back:

•    Congratulations to Werner Benger, who had an image published on the December 2008 front cover of French magazine, L’Astronomie.

•    Congratulations to Dan Katz, who has recently accepted a position at the University of Chicago.  After joining CCT in 2006, Dan has played a vital role in the Cyberinfrastructure Development Group, TeraGrid and CyberTools.  Katz has been a wonderful asset to the center and we wish him well in all future endeavors.

•    Congratulations also to Jarek Nabrzyski on his appointment as Director of the Center for Research Computing (CRC) at the University of Notre Dame.   The CCT will miss Jarek’s leadership, but we look forward to collaborations with his center in the future.

Good luck to both Dan and Jarek on their future endeavors!

Upcoming Lectures:

•    Bob Johansen, from The Institute for the Future, will lecture Wednesday, March 4 at 11:30 a.m. as part of the CCT Distinguished Lecture series. The lecture, titled “Leaders Make the Future:  Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World,” will take place in the Life Sciences Building Room A101.

•    Hong Qin, from Stony Brook University, will lecture as part of CCT’s Colloquium Series Friday, March 6, at 11:30 a.m.  The lecture, “Physics-based Modeling, Dynamic Stimulation, and Applications,” will take place in 338 Johnston Hall.

Please Note:

•      The first LONI HPC workshop will be held March 3 & 4 at Southern University in Baton Rouge.  To view the schedule and register visit:  http://www.hpc.lsu.edu/training/20090304/index.php .

•     The Louisiana Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Committee publishes regular newsletters to provide updates on research taking place at Louisiana's universities. The newsletters are available online through the Louisiana Board of Regents Web site, at http://www.laregents.org/www2/index.htm .

•    CCT Distinguished Graduate Dissertation Fellowships are available to support outstanding graduate students in their final year of study toward a terminal degree in their field. The stipend is $22,000 for the 2009-2010 academic year.

Application deadline is March 15!

•    Must be working with a faculty member associated with CCT
•    Minimum GPA of 3.50
•    Must have already passed all of the required exams in their department
•    Must have finished all required course work and be working on the final dissertation
•    Must devote full time to the completion of the dissertation preparation
•    Must be enrolled in dissertation credit for nine hours during Fall and Spring semesters
•    Other employment is prohibited! Students cannot hold another graduate fellowship or award

Application Process

Interested students should submit a description of the work in progress, a list of publications, presentations, honors and awards, transcript (copy), and a statement outlining the timetable for completing the dissertation within the year.
The total application may not exceed eight pages. The student should arrange that three letters of recommendation be sent directly to the Fellowships Committee. One of these letters must come from the dissertation advisor, who must include a statement that completion is likely within the Fellowship period. The application packet and letters of recommendation (in pdf format) should be sent to:  jobs@cct.lsu.edu *Incomplete applications will not be considered

•      Professor Thomas Sterling will host his Beowulf Boot Camp for a second time June 15-19, 2009. If you know of an interested high school, please encourage teachers and students to visit http://www.cct.lsu.edu/BeowulfSummerCamp to sign up.

•     ALL CCT meetings of the Spring 2009 semester will take place Wednesdays at 3 p.m. in Johnston 338. If you have any information, news or announcements you wish to include at the meeting, please notify Karen Jones, kjones@cct.lsu.edu. ALL CCT meetings for this semester are scheduled for March 18, April 15 and May 20. Please make every effort to attend.

•    If you have any news for the CCT Weekly, please e-mail PR Manager Kristen Sunde directly at ksunde@cct.lsu.edu.

Upcoming Grant Deadlines:

Note: Please see the CCT deadline Web site, as many NSF deadlines are listed here:


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