
CCT Weekly, July 14, 2009

Spaces Still Available for Scaling to Petascale Workshop at LSU, Aug. 3-7
Eligible graduate students still can register for the Scaling to Petascale workshop, which will take place at CCT Aug. 3-7, in Johnston 338. This workshop is part of CCT’s collaboration with the Great Lakes Consortium for Petascale Computing.

This Virtual School summer school will provide graduate students with knowledge of the challenges, opportunities, techniques, and evolving resources for scaling science and engineering codes onto petascale computing systems.

The Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering, in conjunction with LSU through CCT, The National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois, The National Institute for Computational Sciences in Oak Ridge, Tennessee and The University of Michigan, is hosting the workshop.

Students who wish to participate in this workshop at CCT should send a message to virtualschool@ncsa.uiuc.edu indicating their desire to attend. There is no registration fee for this workshop!  

For more information on the workshop: http://www.greatlakesconsortium.org/events/scaling/

Pats on the Back:

•    The paper "Solving the Einstein Constraint Equations on Multi-Block Triangulations Using Finite Element Methods" by Oleg Korobkin, Burak Aksoylu, Michael Holst, Enrique Pazos, and Manuel Tiglio was just published by Classical and Quantum Gravity.

•    At the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) last week, the Board of Trustees and Council approved Susanne Brenner’s nomination to be the SIAM Vice President for Publications starting Jan. 1, 2010. In this role, Dr. Brenner will serve on the SIAM Council and will oversee publication aspects for SIAM’s 15 journals, work with the SIAM book publishing committee and offer input into related SIAM committees.

•    Brygg Ullmer received an award from the National Science Foundation titled "Pilot: Tangible Interaction Kiosks: Integrating Physical/Digital Interaction and Visual Design to Support Creativity in K-12 Informal Science Education.” The award is in the amount of $199,711 for two years.

•    Shantenu Jha received an award from the National Science Foundation titled "Funding U.S. Students to Attend the International Summer School on Grid Computing.”  The award is in the amount of $35,000 for six months.  This award is to allow students to attend the International Summer School on Grid Computing in France.

Please Note:

•    There is an ALL CCT meeting this Wednesday, July 15 at 3 p.m. in Johnston 338. Please make every effort to attend. If you have news or information that needs to be presented at this meeting, please e-mail kjones@cct.lsu.edu.

•    Future ALL CCT meetings for summer and the Fall 2009 semester will take place Aug. 26 (special presentation by LSU Intellectual Property at this meeting), Sept. 23, Oct. 21, Nov. 11 and Dec. 16. All meetings are at 3 p.m. in Johnston 338 unless otherwise announced. Please make every effort to attend these important meetings. If you have news or information you would like presented at these meetings, please e-mail Karen Jones at kjones@cct.lsu.edu.

•    SIGGRAPH 2009 will take place in New Orleans Aug. 3-7. CCT will represent the University with a booth during the SIGGRAPH exhibition Aug. 4-6 to highlight ongoing research in digital media. Three University researchers – Stephen David Beck, Susan Ryan and Robert Kooima – will give talks and presentations of their work during the speaker tracks at the conference. For more information on SIGGRAPH 2009, visit http://www.siggraph.org/s2009.

•    IEEE Cluster 2009 will take place Aug. 31-Sept. 4 in New Orleans. Daniel S. Katz is general chair, and Thomas Sterling is program chair for Cluster 2009. More information about the conference is at http://www.cluster2009.org .

Please note the following deadlines for this conference:

Poster notification: July 24
Poster camera-ready deadline: July 31
Paper camera-ready deadline: July 31

•    Call for Student Participation in Cluster 2009: The conference has received an award from the National Science Foundation to support student participation by covering advance student registration fees and providing $200 per student toward lodging for up to 75 students. Students will be selected generally on a first-come, first-served basis, with some preference given for student authors of papers or posters.  Students who wish to participate in Cluster 2009 can seek approval for this support by sending a single email to d.katz@ieee.org, with the subject "Cluster 2009 Student Support," and provide contact information and information about any authorship of material being submitted to the conference. Students also must attach a letter from their advisor/professor explaining how this program will advance the student's career. For more information on Cluster 2009, please visit http://www.cluster2009.org.

•    Deadlines open for SC09, Nov. 14-20 in Portland, Oregon:

Due: Monday, July 27, 2009
Notification: Monday, August 17, 2009
Due: Monday, July 27, 2009
Notification: Monday, August 17, 2009
Due: Monday, July 27, 2009
Notification: Monday, August 17, 200
Applications Due: Monday, August 3, 2009
Notification: Monday, September 7, 2009

•    Registration is now open for the Supercomputing 2009 Education Program at the conference in Portland, which will take place Nov. 14-17.  The Education Program helps educators and students learn more about computational science topics and gives  educators ideas to bring these topics into their classrooms. The program is open to undergraduate faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and high school teachers. To register or for more information, please visit http://computationalscience.org/sc09 .

•    If you have any news for the CCT Weekly, please e-mail PR Manager Kristen Sunde directly at ksunde@cct.lsu.edu.

Upcoming Grant Deadlines:

Note: Please see the CCT deadline Web site, as many NSF deadlines are listed here:


•    Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
July 22 2009 10:00 am
At Most $ 400,000.00
Full Proposal Deadlines by Discipline: July 21, 2009 - BIO, CISE, EHR July 22, 2009 - ENG July 23, 2009

•    Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS): Core Programs
August 30 2009 10:00 am
At Most $ 3,000,000.00 available

•    Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF): Core Programs
August 30 2009 10:00 am
At Most $ 3,000,000.00 available

•    CISE Cross-Cutting Programs: FY 2010
August 30 2009 10:00 am
At Least $ 3,000,000.00 available

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