
CCT Weekly, January 9, 2012

ISDS Professor Rudy Hirschheim Receives Honorary Doctorate

Baton Rouge – Rudy Hirschheim, Ourso Family Distinguished Professor of Information Systems, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Bern’s Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. The doctorate, which was presented Dec. 1, recognizes Hirschheim’s research in the area of information systems, particularly his pioneering work in the study of outsourcing.

“This is a tremendous honor,” Hirschheim said. “This is one of the highest honors that one can receive in the academic world, and I am humbled that it is based on what the university’s faculty considered to be my outstanding contributions.”

The University of Bern presented nine individuals with honorary doctorates at a ceremony held in the Bern Kultur-Casino, a venue for symphony and civic events. Along with Hirshheim, professors from Cornell University, Stanford University and London University were honored. The Bern Symphony performed with the University of Bern Choir before the presentations and immediately afterward. At the banquet following the ceremony, Hirschheim was joined by a number of distinguished guests and academics from Mannheim, Frankfurt and Bern.

For Hirschheim, who has been ranked internationally at the top of his field previously by two separate studies, this marks the second time he has received an honorary doctorate. The University of Oulu (Finland) honored Hirschheim in this same fashion six years ago.

The Department of Information Systems & Decision Sciences at LSU’s E. J. Ourso College of Business combines teaching and research to create a rich learning experience for its students. Relationships with industry and state agencies enable the department to assist organizations with issues related to business analytics and business intelligence, as well as innovation and technological change, as well as offer enhanced career opportunities for its graduates. Collaborative research efforts of its diverse faculty have resulted in major grants from the National Science Foundation and the state of Louisiana. For more information, visit www.business.lsu.edu/isds, call 225-578-2126, or email ISDS@lsu.edu.

(Source:  LSU Office of Communications & University Relations)


Pats on the Back:

Xin Li received a PFUND award from the Board of Regents titled "Spatiotemporal Geometric Data Matching for Biomedical Applications."  The award is for $10,000 for one year. 

Robert Kooima received an award from Adler Planetarium titled "Solar System Show Rendering." The award is for $10,000.


CCT in the News:

LSU storm surge monitoring accounts for wetlands, coastal geometry

Source:  Fondriest Environmental

ISDS Professor Rudy Hirschheim Receives Honorary Doctorate

Source:  LSU Office of Communications & University Relations


Please Note:

  •  Registration is now open for SCALA 2013:  Scientific Computing Around Louisiana. SCALA will be held at Tulane University in New Orleans, February 15-16, 2013. Tulane University's Center for Computational Science and the LSU CCT will co-sponsor, for the fourth time, a meeting to:

(1) highlight cutting-edge topics in scientific computing,
(2) showcase the research at Louisiana institutions and,
(3) promote collaborations across the state of Louisiana.
This meeting is open to any faculty, post-doctoral researcher or student from any college in and around Louisiana. For more information and to register, visit http://tulane.edu/sse/ccs/news/scala-2013.cfm


  • Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost Stuart Bell has issued the call for nominations for the 2013 Distinguished Faculty Awards. LSU is proud of its world-class faculty, and we look forward to recognizing outstanding work among colleagues. Special thanks go to the LSU Alumni Association, the LSU Foundation, and the Tiger Athletic Foundation for their continued support. More information can be found here. Nomination packets are due through academic deans to Academic Affairs by Feb. 1, 2013.
  • Prior approval is required for Special Meal Requests. Employees who make meal purchases without prior approvals may find that they must cover the cost of any monies spent for an unapproved event out of pocket. Dine-in restaurant meals are not allowed on LaCarte credit cards. Please contact Susie McGlone (susie@cct.lsu.edu) prior to any special meal with visitor(s) to file the appropriate request for approval. Prior approval could take up to two weeks, so please plan accordingly.
  • Please remember to send your news concerning grants, awards, conferences, or other pertinent information to CCT Event Coordinator Jennifer Fontenot at jennifer@cct.lsu.edu
  • Follow CCT with social media to access photos and see news, events or updated information. These pages are public; you do not need an account to view the information.


Interest groups:

  • MAG (Mobile App-Art-Action Group): Everyone interested in the potential for Mobile Apps is invited to come and add their vision for these revolutionary devices.
  • Weekly MAG Lab Time- Fridays, 9:00 AM-Noon:  MAG collaborative work time- 16 Johnston Hall
    • Come, design, plot, scheme, dream, work on your mobile projects with people around to provide help, feedback, and encouragement.
  • GPU:  meets weekly (Thursdays @ 12:30 pm in 338 Johnston) and encourages participation from anyone who would like to join in the discussions. Join the mailing list:  lasigma-gpu@loni.org


Upcoming events:

February 15- 16, 2013:  Scientific Computing Around Louisiana Workshop

February 21Apple At-Home Work Program for Students—Informational Meeting

March 1:  REU- Computational Sciences Applications Due

March 1:  REU- Materials/LA-SiGMA Applications Due

March 8-9:  Finite Element Circus & Rodeo

Apply for positions w/Apple (for Students):  At-Home Advisor program

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