Apply for computational time on TeraGrid by Jan. 15, 2010
Source: TeraGrid
Scientists, engineers, and other U.S. researchers may apply until Friday, Jan. 15, 2010 (midnight local time) for the next quarterly review of requests for free allocations of high-performance computer time, advanced user support, and storage resources that are available through the National Science Foundation Office of Cyberinfrastructure’s TeraGrid. To apply for an allocation of any size, please visit TeraGrid’s online submission system:
Each quarter, a panel of computational experts known as the TeraGrid Resource Allocations Committee, or TRAC, evaluates requests primarily on the appropriateness of the use of TeraGrid resources. Applications received by the Jan. 15 deadline will be considered at the March 2010 TRAC meeting, and awards will be available for the one-year period from April 1, 2010, through March 31, 2011.
TeraGrid expects to make more than 300 million processor hours of compute time available. TeraGrid resources currently exceed two petaflops of combined computing capability and more than 60 petabytes of online and archival data storage from 11 resource provider sites across the nation.
For the next round of awards, researchers can request time on 15 systems, including TeraGrid’s two largest —Ranger at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), and Kraken at the National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS)— and the newest TeraGrid resource, the Longhorn remote analysis and visualization system at TACC, enters production this month. Another remote analysis and visualization system, Nautilus at NICS, will enter production in October 2010. For more information about TeraGrid resources, visit
Pats on the Back:
• Georgios Veronis, professor with CCT and LSU Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, received a PFUND award from the Board of Regents titled "Slow-light Subwavelength Periodic Plasmonic Waveguides” The award is $10,000 for nine months.
• Theda Daniels-Race, professor with CCT and LSU Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, received a PFUND award from the Board of Regents titled "Investigation of Solid-State Ionic Liquid Nanoparticles for Materials Engineered Device Electronics". The award is $10,000 for nine months.
• Twin brothers Christopher and Michael Miceli, who worked as undergraduate research students at CCT for Hartmut Kaiser and Thomas Sterling, with Shantenu Jha serving as their undergraduate research adviser, received degrees in computer science at Fall 2009 Commencement and were honored as LA-Stem research scholars at LSU. Michael Miceli was a University Medalist, achieving one of the highest undergraduate grade-point averages for this graduating class, and Christopher Miceli maintained a near-perfect GPA throughout his academic career. The Micelis were featured in LSU’s commencement highlights gallery.
CCT in the News:
• Louisiana State Joins Eduroam Network
Source: Campus Technology
• Louisiana State University Students Craft an RFID Solution for Art Museums
Source: RFID Journal
Lectures This Week:
• There are no lectures scheduled at this time.
Please Note:
• CCT and Tulane University’s Center for Computational Science will host Scientific Computing Around Louisiana (SCALA) at LSU Feb. 5-6, 2010. This is an inaugural meeting to highlight cutting-edge topics in scientific computing, showcase research from Louisiana institutions, and promote collaboration across the state of Louisiana. Professor Susanne C. Brenner of LSU and Professor Lisa J. Fauci of Tulane are organizing this meeting. To register (free, but required) or learn more, please visit
• CCT is hosting the 17th annual Mardi Gras Conference on Computational Materials and Methods Feb. 11-14, 2010, at LSU’s Lod Cook Alumni Center. This conference brings together researchers working in this broad area to promote the cross-fertilization of ideas, foster information exchange, enable community building and expose graduate students and postdocs to the newest methods and advances. The conference will feature tutorial presentations, posters, in-depth discussions, and demonstrations in addition to several invited speakers. As always, the conference includes a Saturday afternoon trip to New Orleans for one of the city's largest Mardi Gras parades, Endymion. The conference is accepting poster submissions through Jan. 24, 2010. To register or learn more, please visit .
• Please remember to send your news concerning grants, awards, conferences, or other pertinent information to PR Manager Kristen Sunde at
• Follow CCT with social media to access photos and see news, events or updated information. Both these pages are public; you do not need a Facebook or Twitter account to view the information.
Facebook group : LSU Center for Computation & Technology
Twitter @ LSUCCT
Upcoming Grant Deadlines:
• RFP--Amendment--Communications and Networking Technology
February 16 2010 10:00 am
• RFP--Amendment--Defense Sciences Research and Technology
February 16 2010 10:00 am
• Software Development for Cyberinfrastructure (SDCI)
February 26 2010 10:15 am
At Most $ 3,000,000.00 available
Note: Please see the CCT deadline Web site , as many NSF deadlines are listed here.