CCT Director, Professor Premiere LSU Supercomputing Course in Arkansas
Thomas Sterling believes supercomputing is the technology of the future for business and industry, and he wants to make sure many college students have the opportunity to learn about it.
This is the theory behind Sterling’s “Introduction to High-Performance Computing” course, which will be offered at LSU for the first time during the Spring 2007 semester.
This course, which offers an interdisciplinary look at using high-performance computing, will be the first use of high-definition video over the Internet for distributed classroom instruction in the United States.
The course will be offered for credit through LSU to students at Louisiana Tech University, the University of Arkansas and Masryk University in the Czech Republic. Sterling’s lessons will be broadcast via HDTV to students at these sites.
Sterling conducted a demonstration of the technology that will be used for this class on Monday, Dec. 18, at the University of Arkansas for Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and other distinguished guests.
As part of the demonstration, CCT Director Ed Seidel conversed with Gov. Huckabee from LSU via the HDTV connection over the Internet. “High-performance computing is affecting every business and every aspect of life,” Seidel said, giving a presentation on different companies using supercomputing to improve their products. “And, it’s an area where the South is poised to take a leadership role.”
Seidel also said that high-speed optical networks such as the Louisiana Optical Network Initiative (LONI) here and the Arkansas Research and Education Optical Network (ARE-ON) allow universities to collaborate, improving research and education. “The dream of HDTV classroom instruction would not be possible without these networks in place,” Seidel said.
Sterling gave a presentation in Fayetteville that could be observed at LSU about how supercomputing is the new key to business development. “Supercomputing has exceeded all other technologies in how fast it has grown,” Sterling said.
In order to ensure there will be enough people in future generations who can use supercomputing technology effectively, courses such as this are crucial to teach people from different backgrounds the necessary skills, Sterling observed.
“We are honored to partner with University of Arkansas and the state of Arkansas to bring this technology to more people,” Sterling said.
CCT Staff Attend LONI Launch at University of Louisiana
CCT Director Ed Seidel and other staff attended the official launch of the Louisiana Optical Network Initiative at University of Louisiana – Lafayette on Tuesday, Dec. 12. Seidel was a driving force behind the creation of LONI for Louisiana, and currently serves as chief scientist for the network.
Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco spoke in support of LONI, which will connect major research universities across the state and also will link Louisiana to the National Lambda Rail.
Gov. Blanco referred to LONI as the “express ticket” to link Louisiana to supercomputers around the world. “We had to make this investment in LONI; we have to build a network that will put us on the National Lambda Rail so that we won’t be left off,” Gov. Blanco said. “I don’t want the 21st century to pass us by.” LONI is attracting positive attention from around the country and is changing the perception that Louisiana is a backward place, Gov. Blanco said.
The LONI launch centered on the arrival of “Zeke,” University of Louisiana’s supercomputer that will house the node connecting the university onto LONI once it is active. Zeke was named after a University of Louisiana professor who brought the first computer to the school.
For more information on LONI, visit
CCT in the News
Computer class puts LSU Ahead
12-19-2006/ The Advocate
LSU’s Ed Seidel said he felt as if he sat across the table from Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee Monday morning.
La.’s High-speed Computer Network May Benefit Movie Industry
12-12-2006/Shreveport Times
With Louisiana bent on luring all of the movie-making business it can, LONI could be the state's star behind the big screen.
Zeke and LONI connected
12-12-2006/The Advocate
LAFAYETTE — Decades ago, University of Louisiana at Lafayette professor Z.L. “Zeke” Loflin brought the first computer to campus.
CCT Director Outlines Business Value of HPC
12-12-2006/HPC Wire
Supercomputing is no longer something that benefits only computer scientists but is an essential part of advancing all types of business and spurring economic development.
CCT Director Gives Keynote Speech at Council for a Better Louisiana
12-12-2006/Supercomputing Online
Supercomputing is no longer something that benefits only computer scientists but is an essential part of advancing all types of business and spurring economic development. This was the theme of a keynote speech LSU Center for Computation & Technology Director Ed Seidel gave to the Council for a Better Louisiana (CABL) at its annual meeting on Friday, Dec. 8.
Please Note:
· There will be no “CCT Weekly” issued on Dec. 26, 2006, as CCT offices are closed Dec. 25 through Jan. 1 for the holidays. The next issue will be Jan. 2, 2007.
· The SC 06 wrap-up meeting originally scheduled for Friday, Dec. 8 has been moved to Wednesday, Jan. 17 from 3-4 p.m. in Johnston 338.
· The first CCT student meeting of the spring semester will be on Friday, Jan. 19, 2007 at noon. This meeting is mandatory; please save the date. Also, there will be a scholarship/internship page put up on the student Web site soon – please check to see if you qualify.
· Representatives from Google will be on campus Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2007 to meet with students in ISDS, engineering and computer science. CCT is bringing Google here to host a “Tech Talk,” followed by information on how to apply for jobs. The event will be in Dodson Auditorium from 5-8 p.m. Please be sure to let your students know about this opportunity at the start of the spring semester! Seating is limited, so they must register early.
Pats on the Back
· Congratulations to CCT students Rakesh Yadav, Karun Kallakuri and Rejesh Sankaran, who will graduate Thursday, Dec. 21. We wish all of you the best!
Upcoming Grant Deadlines:
NSF Cyber Trust
January 08 2007 5:00 am
At Most $ 34,000,000.00 available
NSF SBE Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants
January 11, 2007 5:00 pm
At Most $ 2,500,000.00 available
* If you have any news for the CCT Weekly, please send it to *
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