
CCT Weekly, Sept. 1, 2009

Pats on the Back:

·      The Louisiana Optical Network Initiative, or LONI, has received a $1.05 million extension award as part of a larger $30.2 million extension award to the TeraGrid. This award will fund additional support and network connections that allow TeraGrid users to access LONI’s computational resources. Honggao Liu and Daniel S. Katz developed and led LONI’s extension proposal for TeraGrid. 

·      LSU has joined with the 11 other Southeastern Conference institutions in the launch of the SEC Academic Network, a Web site designed to promote academic endeavors of SEC universities using ESPN360.com technology. LSU selected a video about the CCT to be one of the first featured videos on the University's portion of this site. To see the video, or other SEC school videos, visit www.secacademicnetwork.com.

·      An article Rudy Hirschheim wrote titled “Offshoring and the New World Order” for the journal Communications of the ACM will be printed in the November edition. The paper is based on his Commencement address to the graduating students at the University of Frankfurt in Germany in 2005, and reflects the impact of off shoring on the United States instead of Germany.

·      Blaise Bourdin received an award from NSF titled "Applications of Variational Fracture: Enhanced Geothermal Systems.”  The award is in the amount of $314,139 for three years.

·      Juana Moreno's NSF project, "PIRE: Graduate Education and Research in Petascale Many Body Methods for Complex Correlated Systems: A Collaboration with Partners in Germany and Switzerland," has been transferred to LSU with a balance of $2,278,785.

·      Mark Jarrell's NSF project, "Simulations of Strongly Correlated Materials," has been transferred to LSUwith a balance of $248,739.

·      Tevfik Kosar received an award from the National Science Foundation for a project titled "STCI: Development of Stork Data Scheduler for Mitigating the Data Bottleneck in Petascale Distributed Computing Systems.”  The award is in the amount of $495,514 for three years.

CCT in the News:

·      LSU CCT Assists in Hosting Cluster Conference

Source: HPC Wire



·      $30 million grant to enhance world’s largest open computing network

Source: University of Chicago


Lectures This Week:

·      Andrew Barker will speak Sept. 1, 2009, about “Monolithically Coupled Scalable Parallel Algorithms For Simulation Of Fluid structure Interaction.” The lecture will take place in Johnston Hall 338 from 3:10-4:00 p.m. There will be a reception at 2:45 p.m.

Please Note:

·      Future ALL CCT meetings for the Fall 2009 semester will take place Sept. 23, Oct. 21, Nov. 11 and Dec. 16. All meetings are at 3 p.m. in Johnston 338 unless otherwise announced. Please make every effort to attend these important meetings.

·      Registration is now open for the Supercomputing 2009 Education Program at the conference in Portland, which will take place Nov. 14-17.  The Education Program helps educators and students learn more about computational science topics and gives  educators ideas to bring these topics into their classrooms. The program is open to undergraduate faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and high school teachers. To register or for more information, please visit http://computationalscience.org/sc09.

·      The SC09 Student Contest Program is accepting team registrations. This is a competitive programming event, where teams of no more than five students will be given eight to 12 problems from various scientific problem domain areas. The competition will take place Monday, Nov. 16 at the SC09 conference in Portland, Oregon. Awards will be announced on Tuesday, November 18 at an SC09 Education Program plenary session. Register your team today, http://sc09.sc-education.org/conference/studentcomp_signup.php. Deadline to register is Thursday, October 1, 2009. 

·      Please remember to send your news concerning grants, awards, conferences, or other pertinent information that should be communicated to CCT to PR Manager Kristen Sunde at ksunde@cct.lsu.edu.






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