CCT Staff Showcase LONI, other developments at Post-Katrina Forum Staff from the LSU Center for Computation & Technology, along with members of the LONI Management Council, attended a Post-Katrina forum, "Gulf States Alliance: Network Science and Recovery," at the Beau Rivage Hotel in Biloxi Aug. 19-21. This forum was sponsored by the National Science Foundation's Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) branches in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. The forum focused on how residents of the Gulf States can use technological advances not only to boost economic development in the region, but to be able to better predict hurricanes, saving more lives. CCT in the News
Louisiana Tech Researchers Work On Cyber-attack Defense
RUSTON, La. -- Cyber attacks in April against the northern European country of Estonia brought its economy crashing down because so much of its economy was dependent upon the Internet.

Upcoming Lectures:
• The next all CCT meeting will be Sept. 19 at 3 p.m. in Johnston 338. • Tinsley Oden, Associate Vice President for Research and Director of the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES) at The University of Texas at Austin, will give a lecture on “Adaptive Multiscale Modeling Of Large-Scale Molecular Systems” at CCT on Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 3 p.m. in the Life Sciences Annex Building. • The CCT Colloquium Series will return in the fall. These lectures will take place each week at 2 p.m. in Johnston 338. Shantenu Jha is in charge of the speaker line-up. If you have a speaker wish list, please send it to Shantenu at sjha@cct.lsu.edu. Please Note:
• Classes for the fall semester began this Monday, Aug. 27. • If you have any news for the CCT Weekly, please e-mail PR Manager Kristen Sunde directly at ksunde@cct.lsu.edu. Upcoming Grant Deadlines:
NSF Physics Frontiers Centers
August 29 2007 5 p.m.
At Most $ 10,000,000.00 available

Energy Biosciences (BES)
August 31 2007 10 a.m.

NSF Biotechnology Program (BTEC)
September 15 2007 10:15 a.m.
At Least $ 100,000.00 available

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