Louisiana Tech Researchers Work On Cyber-attack Defense
RUSTON, La. -- Cyber attacks in April against the northern European country of Estonia brought its economy crashing down because so much of its economy was dependent upon the Internet.
Upcoming Lectures:
• The next all CCT meeting will be Sept. 19 at 3 p.m. in Johnston 338.
• Tinsley Oden, Associate Vice President for Research and Director of the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES) at The University of Texas at Austin, will give a lecture on “Adaptive Multiscale Modeling Of Large-Scale Molecular Systems†at CCT on Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 3 p.m. in the Life Sciences Annex Building.
• The CCT Colloquium Series will return in the fall. These lectures will take place each week at 2 p.m. in Johnston 338. Shantenu Jha is in charge of the speaker line-up. If you have a speaker wish list, please send it to Shantenu at sjha@cct.lsu.edu.
Please Note:
• Classes for the fall semester began this Monday, Aug. 27.
• If you have any news for the CCT Weekly, please e-mail PR Manager Kristen Sunde directly at ksunde@cct.lsu.edu.
Upcoming Grant Deadlines:
NSF Physics Frontiers Centers
August 29 2007 5 p.m.
At Most $ 10,000,000.00 available
Energy Biosciences (BES)
August 31 2007 10 a.m.
NSF Biotechnology Program (BTEC)
September 15 2007 10:15 a.m.
At Least $ 100,000.00 available