CCT Supports Computer Science Intensive Orientation for Students
Several CCT faculty and staff are assisting the LSU Department of Computer Science to host the University’s first Computer Science Intensive Orientation for Students, or CIOS, which is taking place Tuesday through Thursday of this week.
The computer science department modeled CIOS after a similar initiative in biological sciences. The orientation is aimed at incoming freshmen who intend to major in computer science at LSU. CIOS will allow these students to meet the faculty, get some hands-on experience working with LSU’s computer science facilities and learn realistic expectations about the work required when majoring in computer science.
Faculty hope CIOS will give students a strong foundation so they will be more likely to stay in the computer science program and graduate in that area. Similar efforts with the biological sciences orientation showed students who attended that orientation were two times more likely to graduate from the program.
Several CCT faculty with the Department of Computer Science and graduate students are supporting the department’s efforts with this orientation through teaching short sessions during the orientation.
For more information on CIOS, please visit the Department of Computer Science Web site at .
Pats on the Back:
• A paper by C. D. Ott, H. Dimmelmeier, A. Marek, H-T. Janka, B. Zink, I. Hawke and E. Schnetter has been highlighted by the editorial board of Classical and Quantum Gravity. Ever since the theoretical gravity group began at LSU in 2001, one of their publications has made the highlights list every year!
• During the Leap to Petascale Workshop held at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility in July 2008, the Cactus team successfully ported the Cactus framework to the Blue Gene/P system at the Argonne National Laboratory and conducted benchmarking runs on up to 131,072 cores (out of 163,840 cores available.)
• LSU Public Affairs published a University Highlights story on Anshul Tandon, who was the sole University Medalist at Summer 2008 commencement. Tandon, who also was featured in The Advocate’s LSU graduation story on Aug. 9 for his accomplishments, worked with Professor Thomas Sterling’s group at the CCT. To read the story, please visit:
Upcoming Lectures:
• Jennifer K. Ryan, Delft University of Technology assistant professor of applied mathematics, will give a lecture on “ Local Smoothness-Increasing Accuracy-Conserving (SIAC) Filtering for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods” as art of the Computational Mathematics Seminar Series. She will speak on Wednesday, Aug. 20 at 11 a.m. in Johnston 338.
Please Note:
• The CCT is planning its ALL CCT STUDENT EMPLOYEE meeting. This is everyone's chance to get together to go over some brief but important LSU student worker information. The session dates are Aug. 19 at 2:30 p.m. and Aug. 20 at 10 a.m. in Johnston Training Room 338. The meeting is mandatory for all CCT student employees, but you only need to attend one of these session dates. Once you have decided which session you will be attending, please let Brittany Juneau know. Brittany needs an e-mailed R.S.V.P. from everyone, so don't forget to e-mail her at Refreshments will be provided during the meetings.
• ALL CCT meetings for the fall semester will take place on Aug. 20, Sept. 24, Oct. 22, Nov. 12 and Dec. 17. All meetings take place at 3 p.m. in Johnston 338. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend. Please be aware that these dates and times may change.
• Would you like to buy a CCT shirt? Events coordinator Jennifer Claudet will have sample shirts on display at the All CCT meeting on Aug. 20 so people can see the shirts before they buy. If you would like to purchase a shirt, please place your order with her by Friday, Aug. 21. E-mail if you have questions or would like to see the sample shirts prior to Aug. 20.
• Researchers: Please note that Sept. 1 is the next deadline for submitting large allocation requests to LONI. The award date for these requests will be Oct. 1. If you already have a LONI allocation, please check the end date of your allocation. You may need to reapply to continue your work. Please note that any application to continue will REQUIRE a report of your work so far, including any publications or presentations done that benefited from your use of LONI. To check the status of present allocations or apply for new ones, visit the LONI allocations Web site at
• Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) just announced a call for proposals for a series of high-performance computing grants that would allow faculty and student research teams the opportunity to participate in research with the benefit of Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL) computing resources and staff. For more information about the ORAU/ORNL High Performance Computing Grant Program and proposal requirements, visit
• Georgetown University offers professional training in high-performance computing and has been doing so for the past two years, training systems administrators and users from numerous academic and research institutions. The university currently offers two-to-four-day classes in clusters, job schedulers, benchmarking and tuning and accelerators (GPU, Cell, etc.). Fine more information at (click on the “Training” section.)
• If you have any news for the CCT Weekly, please e-mail PR Manager Kristen Sunde directly at
Upcoming Grant Deadlines:
Note: Please see the CCT deadline Web site, as many NSF deadlines are listed here:
NSF Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI)
August 30 2008 5:00 pm
A Portion Of $ 26,000,000.00 available