
CCT Weekly Aug. 17, 2010

Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra, Red Stick Partner to Host Video Games Live
The Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra, or BRSO, and the Red Stick International Animation Festival are partnering to host a performance of Video Games Live during the 6th annual Red Stick International Animation Festival, which will take place in downtown Baton Rouge November 10-13, 2010.

The performance, which will take place along with other festival events in downtown Baton Rouge’s Art District, will feature video games from a musical perspective and showcase relevance of classical music in the 21st century.  

Video Games Live is a touring, multimedia concert experience that features live symphonic performances of music from the most popular video games through recent history, from “Mario Brothers” to “Guitar Hero.”  The Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra and Chorus will perform the video game music, alongside exclusive footage of favorite video games synchronized perfectly to music and lights on giant interactive screens.  Certain performances and segments will include live action stage performers, special effects and a fully designed, synchronized laser show.  In addition, a handful of audience members will have a chance to join the orchestra onstage and play video games with the live music and the composers.

Video Games Live is the largest and most successful concert of its kind worldwide, having played in venues on five continents. The performance BRSO and Red Stick will host is the first time a Video Games Live show will take place in Baton Rouge.

“This is an exciting performance that merges music with art while giving the audience a chance to see how video game design and technology have changed through the years,” said Stacey Simmons, Ph.D., Red Stick International Animation Festival Director.  “We think Video Games Live will make an entertaining addition to our festival lineup, and we are enthusiastic to partner with the Baton Rouge Symphony to bring this show to Baton Rouge.”

"The partnership between the Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra and the Red
Stick International Animation festival is an exciting celebration of merging the boundaries between art forms,” said Derrian Tolden, BRSO Director of Operations, Education and Outreach. “I'm sure this partnership will serve as another reason to celebrate the richness of our community."

Red Stick International Animation Festival and BRSO still are finalizing details of the performance, and soon will announce the Video Games Live performance date and venue, along with alerting patrons how they can purchase tickets.

Pats on the Back:

•    Susanne C. Brenner was named the Michael F. and Roberta Nesbit McDonald Professor in the College of Science.

•    Professor Thomas Sterling was invited to participate in the invitation-only
Workshop on Programming and Runtime Systems for Heavily Threaded Systems in Annapolis, Maryland, which was sponsored by the Department of Energy. This meeting brought together experts in relevant fields to consider the opportunities and challenges facing the development, operation, and application of future exascale computing systems regarding runtime systems and their related programming models. Approximately 60 participants attended the meeting from academia, industry, and government laboratories. Sterling was invited to give the opening presentation of this workshop.

•    Professor Thomas Sterling was invited to review internal proposals at the Computer Science and Mathematics Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

•    Professor Thomas Sterling participated in the DARPA UHPC Program PI Kickoff Meeting Aug. 4-12 at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. Sterling gave several presentations on the ParalleX group’s work and research toward this project.

CCT in the News:
TeraGrid 2010 Keynote: The Physics of Black Holes with Cactus
Source: HPC Wire

DARPA Developing ExtremeScale Supercomputing System
Source: DARPA

CCT Welcomes:
•    Alex Pacheco, ITA 3 (CTSS/Scripting Administrator), who joins the HPC group at CCT.  He previously held a postdoctoral fellowship at Indiana University in the Department of Chemistry.

Please Note:
•    CCT is soliciting input from faculty and staff for the center’s exhibit at SC10 in New Orleans this November. Anyone with ideas for research work that could be presented as posters, talks, or demonstrations during SC10 is invited to attend CCT’s SC10 planning meeting Tuesday, Aug. 17 at 9 a.m. in Johnston Hall 331.

•    Prior approval is required for Special Meal Requests.  Employees who make meal purchases without prior approvals may find that they must cover the cost of any monies spent for an unapproved event out of pocket, especially now that state funds are under a spending freeze.  Please contact Susie Poskonka (susie@cct.lsu.edu) prior to any special meal with visitor(s) to file the appropriate request for approval.  Prior approval could take up to one week, so please plan accordingly.

•    LSU Day, a celebration of the University’s sesquicentennial anniversary that highlights the various research and education accomplishments of different areas of campus, will take place on Saturday, Nov. 13 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., concurrent with LSU Homecoming. At LSU Day, CCT will host a “Visualize This!” exhibit showcasing student research projects and visualization work in the LSU Union computer laboratory. Additionally, the Red Stick International Animation Festival will provide a Best of the Fest reel to screen for audiences in the Union Theatre, and Professor Rudy Hirschheim will perform with Capital Gains, a band comprised of faculty from the E.J. Ourso College of Business. If you would like to participate, please contact CCT PR Manager Kristen Sunde at ksunde@cct.lsu.edu.

•    Supercomputing Conference 2010 Information and Deadlines:

o    Follow SC10 with social media to get the latest news, information, and deadlines -- Twitter @ SuperComputing; Facebook group: SC10.

o    Applications for Student Volunteers for SC10 are now being accepted. The deadline to apply is Sunday, Aug. 27. Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to apply as volunteers to help with the administration of the conference. In exchange, students will receive complimentary conference registration, housing (for out-of-town volunteers) and some meals. Volunteers will be expected to be available for a total of 4-5 hours of work per day during the week of the conference, which will take place Nov. 13-19 in New Orleans. Successful applicants will be notified of their acceptance by Sept. 30. If you have any questions please e-mail student-vols@info.supercomputing.org.

o    The 3rd Annual SC10 Student Job Fair will take place during the conference from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov.17. Exhibitors should confirm participation in the SC10 Student Job Fair by Tuesday, Aug. 31. Please contact Yolanda Rankin at student-job-fair@info.supercomputing.org or yarankin@us.ibm.com with the name of your organization and your representative(s).

o    SC conference attendees are welcome to attend Broader Engagement and Education Program sessions and presentations, including attendees who only have exhibit badges. SC10 also is introducing new registration categories for conference attendees who would wish to participate in associated meals, catered events, or receive program logo merchandise. For more information or to sign up for these programs, please visit:

Registration: http://sc10.supercomputing.org/?pg=registration.html
Broader Engagement: http://sc10.supercomputing.org/?pg=broadeng.html
Education: http://sc10.supercomputing.org/?pg=edprog.html 

•    Please remember to send your news concerning grants, awards, conferences, or other pertinent information to PR Manager Kristen Sunde at ksunde@cct.lsu.edu.

•    Follow CCT with social media to access photos and see news, events or updated information. These pages are public; you do not need an account to view the information.  
o    Facebook group : LSU Center for Computation & Technology
o    Twitter :  LSUCCT
o    YouTube channel : LSUCCT

Upcoming Grant Deadlines:

Note: Please check the CCT deadline Web site, since it is updated daily.

Expeditions in Computing
September 10 2010 10:00 am
At Least $ 10,000,000.00 available

CISE Cross-Cutting Programs: FY 2011
December 17 2010 10:00 am

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