Red Stick International Animation Festival audiences will be among the first in the world to see “Voices in the Dark,” a groundbreaking, 3-D film set to play on a domed ceiling. The film premiered in Germany at Planetarium Hamburg, and its first North American showing will take place during Red Stick 2009 in Baton Rouge’s only domed theater, the Irene W. Pennington Planetarium at the Louisiana Art & Science Museum.
“Voices in the Dark” is a 360-degree audiovisual experience through a fictional universe of colors, sounds and digital images, all set to original music. Red Stick will show the film on Thursday, April 23, and Friday, April 24. Both showings will take place at 8 p.m. in the planetarium.
During Red Stick, which will take place April 22-25, in downtown Baton Rouge’s Arts District, the planetarium also will feature “DomeFest,” a compilation of animation designed to play on a domed ceiling. This year’s film features the best work from the 2007 Dome Fest juried screenings. Red Stick will show “DomeFest” on Thursday, April 23, and Friday, April 24, at 7 p.m. in the planetarium.
Both the “DomeFest” and “Voices in the Dark” screenings are free, but participants must register for a complimentary Red Pass, available at, to attend.
To see a complete schedule of festival lectures and workshops, please visit