(Source: A Quantum of Knowledge)
With perhaps the coolest name for a journal yet, Physical Review X (PRX), a new open-access journal from the American Physical Society, will publish its first article in Fall of 2011. From the press release:
As broad in scope as physics itself, PRX will publish original, high quality, scientifically sound research that advances physics and will be of value to the global multidisciplinary readership. PRX will provide validation through prompt and rigorous peer review, and an open access venue in accord with the strong reputation of the Physical Review family of publications.
I love open access, mostly because its easy to get a hold of the articles you want to read. There are also far too few of them, but there has been some pushing to get more open-access journals out there.
So PRX will publish studies from all areas of physics. Me, with my mind in the gutter immediately thought that with a name like Physical Review X it would be about dirty things, but alas, it remains about reputable research.
Thats alright though, I can settle for regular physics research too. And also check out the editor of this journal, Jorge Pullin, Chair of the Horace C. Hearne, Jr. Institute for Theoretical Physics and professor in the Louisiana State University Center for Computation & Technology and Department of Physics and Astronomy.